Encouragement for the Board Exam (that has nothing to do with studying)

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Reviewing for a board exam can be the most stressful time of your life. During my review, I struggled daily in trying to discipline myself and dealing with pressures from family, friends, and teachers. I admit that I even dealt with (ever-present) depression, self-doubt, and loads of negative emotions.

The pressure is only natural. You carry the name of your school, and your professional future relies on that exam.

But think of this as a blessing. I never had a time in my life that I was so focused on one thing (passing, and topping). It will never happen again, and after the exam, you will also miss this single-minded feeling. Treasure this time, because the important thing about the exam is you can also learn more about yourself.

Listen to other people's advice, but also learn when NOT to listen. Before the board, what everyone talks about IS the exam. This can be very annoying and sometimes, tends to discourage than help. Do your own thing and learn to quietly slip out of toxic conversations.

Nothing beats hard work with faith. No matter how much you study, you can't cover everything. Trust yourself, trust God, and sometimes you need to trust your intuition during the exam.

Take care of yourself. Just because there is a board exam doesn't mean you have to study 24/7. Give yourself a break and also make time for friends and family.

Accept the results and move on. If you pass, congratulations! If you don't, you have every right to mourn and regret, but then you also need to brush yourself up and try again. There is an advantage to failure: you can see your mistakes and plan how to correct them. Lots of people passed their second or even seventh try. And if you feel like this profession is not for you, there are other things to do in the world. The board exam is just a passing thing, it isn't everything.

Best of luck. Keep the faith.

Passing the Board Exam by Malditang Librarian, RLWhere stories live. Discover now