Congrats, you passed! So, what's next?

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Did you pass the exam? Congratulations! I know there's still the euphoria of passing and the warm, good feeling from all the greetings. Finally, you passed and all your effort was worth it. But let's not stay there, because the board exam isn't the end of professional life, it is the beginning of it. Be ready for another journey with new challenges! You may be busy right now looking for work (or returning to your job), but here are some things to remember:

Don't forget to officially register in the PRC as a new Registered Professional.
As a new professional, it's your responsibility to be informed and updated on the latest news, laws, and updates regarding your profession and the state of professions in general. The first step is to know the schedule of initial registration and start preparing all requirements for your professional ID and certificates.

Join groups and official organizations related to your profession.
For librarians in the Philippines, it is a must to be a member of . It is the Accredited Professional Organization of librarians in the country. Keep in touch with your local regional council of librarians and don't forget to sign up for membership. There is a minimum fee for annual membership dues, but this will be used to keep the organization going and for important CPD activities. It's good to work with other professionals in the field since they also provide valuable help and support when you need it. It's essential to have a network of other librarians.

Read up on Continuing Professional Development or CPD Law.
You may not be aware of this, but there is a new law in the Philippines called the CPD Act or RA 10912. This law requires all professionals to acquire a number of CPD points in order to renew our licenses to practice our profession. Librarians are required to earn 45 CPD units per renewal period (3 years). You can acquire CPD points through seminars, workshops, and self-directed learning. There are also other ways to acquire the needed points other than seminars, such as publishing research papers, acquiring a related graduate degree, or writing books, and other ways. Please read the CPD FAQs in the PRC website for more information and check the

Attend Seminars and Conferences.
Join Facebook groups to stay updated on the current seminars, trainings, and workshops being held by professional organizations. It's not only for CPD points, but it is a good avenue to learn about new trends and network with other professionals. The learnings and the people you meet in these events are priceless.

Stay Active, Stay Learning.

Your learning and studying doesn't end in passing the board exam. It's not a license to be lazy and stop learning. Don't be content with what you know, but find time to learn more and update your knowledge and skills. Read books, pursue another degree if you want, always be on the lookout for great opportunities. Be the best professional you can be.

Passing the Board Exam by Malditang Librarian, RLWhere stories live. Discover now