Chapter 4: Plans and Party

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When Midoriya came out the portal, he realized that whatever it was that Sensei wanted, it had to be very important, as there was no TV in front of him. He was inside some kind of industrial warehouse, and standing in front of him was Sensei, in the flesh.

- Sensei - said Midoriya as he bowed before him.

- There's no need for this kind of formality from any of you three - said Sensei, and Midoriya realized that Tomura and Kurogiri were standing next to him bowing too. They stopped bowing and stood up.

- What's the matter Sensei? - said Midoriya - If you are here then this means that it's very important...

- Yes, indeed it is very important - replied Sensei smiling under his mask - Next Monday, in three days, your class will be having a special activity at the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint" also known as USJ, with the heroes Eraser Head, Thirteen, and All Might. This is the perfect opportunity to reveal ourselves at last. From now on, and in order for our true intentions not to be discovered, we'll present ourselves as The League of Villains. We're recruiting street villains, but do not worry about them they are but cannon fodder. I don't want you to uncover your identity yet, just in case something went wrong.

- I understand - said Midoriya - But what about the cannon fodder? If the attack fails, we cannot trust them to remain silent about my identity, and neither about yours.

- That's why they won't be told anything about it - replied Sensei - For everyone else, Tomura is the leader, and Kurogiri is his right hand. There's no one else. And that leads us to the reason why I am present here.

Sensei walked towards Midoriya and placed his right hand on the boy's face. Midoriya immediately felt something entering his body. He felt the pain and stifled a scream. Then, as quickly as the process had started, it ended. Midoriya felt somehow different, but he didn't see anything strange on his appearance. He looked at Sensei inquisitively.

- I've given you a Quirk cocktail - said Sensei, answering to Midoriya's silent question - As your strength and reflexes are improved by the Symbiote, you have an advantage against someone slower, or with less reflexes than you. But against a pro Hero you still have no chance. Your body hasn't changed itself. You have more muscles in order to store the Symbiote better, but your body itself isn't stronger. So thanks to that cocktail, your body should adapt to the Symbiote completely, reaching a superhuman level, without changing its aspect itself.

- What do you mean by "superhuman" Sensei? - asked Midoriya.

- I mean that you'll now be ten times more resistant, faster, and stronger - said Sensei - We both now you rely very much on your Symbiote weapons. Those tentacles and claws are very useful, but you need a body that matches its capabilities.

- He's right Midoriya - said Carnage inside Izuku's head - If you want to be able to use completely merge with me, and therefore unlock our full potential and strength, your body needs that. In less than 48 hours your body should completely get used to the Symbiote.

- Carnage says that you are right - said Midoriya. He then stopped to listen to Carnage again. He then smiled sadistically - He says that in less than 48 hours we should be able to attain our full for, and the fully merged Symbiote form could be finally used then.

- Perfect - said Sensei - And now Tomura, it's your turn - he said while turning towards Shigaraki - As your body isn't mutated in any way to be stronger, like Midoriya's or our creatures, it should be able to bear another Quirk as long as it doesn't change your strength nor resistance. I have a Quirk perfect for you. Remove your mask so I can give it to you, please.

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