Chapter 1 - What happened...?

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A.N. : I plan to use their human names when I'm referring to them, but the characters themselves will refer to each other by their country name


Alfred groaned as pale sunlight shone through the window, onto his face. Reaching for his glasses, he tried climbing out of bed only for a short, tensed pain to shoot through his body. It was almost as bad as the splitting hangover he had as well.

'What happened last night...?' the American asked himself, his memory of the night before a drunken blur.


A party. Alfred had thrown another one of his crazy parties to celebrate the end of the war. He invited everyone, even the Axis much to everyone's surprise. However, like every other party the American threw, it wasn't long before alcohol was thrown into the mix.

Someone , probably Gilbert, had bet Alfred couldn't out-drink Ivan, which both took as an insult, Alfred because 'the hero never loses' and Ivan because...he's Russian. After that, the rest of the party was a blur

/end flashback/

Coming back to reality, Alfred finally realized he wasn't alone in bed. Groaning, he rolled over to see who else was there.

He immediately recognized the pale, ashen blond male as Ivan. Someone who, technically, was supposed to be his political enemy. Truth is, Alfred had a thing for the tall Russian. Though he wouldn't admit it out loud. It was very taboo, for multiple reasons; for one, countries weren't usually couples outside of political marriages, such as Austria and Hungary before the end of the Great War*. Two, tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. were strong, and could last for years. And third, they were both males. Same sex relationships were a HUGE no-no, even among countries, in 1945.

"Что произошло прошлой ночью..?"

Ivan groaned softly as he opened his eyes to brutal sunlight, rolling onto his side to find he wasn't alone. "..."


"...What are you doing in my bed?"


*The Great War- another name for WWI, before it was called World War One

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