Chapter 4 - More answers

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Alfred met with Matthew outside the conference building. "Hey Canada..." he muttered. Before he could enter the building, Matthew blocked the way. "Dude, what the hell?" "Something is bothering you," Matthew started, "and I'm not leaving until you tell me what." Alfred simply rolled his eyes "All you have to do is ask, bro."

"Oh," the younger sibling cleared his throat. "Well then, what's bugging you?" The eldest of the two shook his head. "Not here." He grabbed Matthews hand and took him inside. The only room they'd be guaranteed any privacy was the bathroom, which was exactly where Alfred went.

"Now will you tell me what's up?" Matthew huffed. "Yes, I will," Alfred rolled his eyes. "So, remember how you said there's a slight possibility I could be pr- expecting a child?" The younger rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you laughed and told me my jokes were awful. What of it?" The Canadian was surprisingly snappy today. Alfred looked down at the ground. "Well...I went to the doctor..." For once, he wasn't his usual hyperactive self. "She said I was about 2 months along."

Matthew's eyes widen "Y-you're seriously pregnant? How?!" Alfred slapped a hand over his mouth, fearing someone would overhear. "Shhhhh!!" He heard footsteps pass the door, fading as whoever they belonged to continued towards the conference room.

Alfred sighed softly in relief before whispering to his brother, "Long story short, because we're not human there are things we can do that they can't, including guys getting pregnant. I guess it's to make up for the lack of female nations." Matthew had a look of disbelief on his face, but who could blame him?

"As I said, I'm about two months along. I don't know how to raise a kid! I'm still a kid myself!" Alfred was freaking out, and rightfully so; he was only 19. Matthew simply put his hand on his elder brothers shoulder. "I know. And I'd be willing to help you if you'd let me." "You'd do that?" "Of course. You're my brother. We're supposed to look after each other, even when someone makes a stupid decision." "I didn't make the decision, I was drunk!" "I meant when we were younger!" "Oh..."

Matthew laughed softly. "We should go. The meeting should be starting soon," he said before checking the time. " started 5 minutes ago." "Aw shit.."


After rushing to the meeting room, Matthew and Alfred tried to sneak in with no one noticing. They would've gotten away with it if the large door hadn't made the classic horror movie creak as it opened. However, the meeting room was chaos; it seemed the countries had split up into their old groups- Ludwig, Feliciano, and Kiku in one group, Arthur, Francis, and Yao in another- hurling insults and threats as if the war hadn't ended months ago. The only one not partaking in the mess was Ivan, who wasn't even there. Instead, Toris stood there, cowering in a corner.

"Lithuania? What are you doing here?" Alfred asked. He did miss having Toris around after The Great War ended and before the Stock Market crashed, but wasn't Ivan supposed to be here?

"Oh, Mr. America! Thank goodness you're here! I-It all happened so fast- I think I saw England give Germany a dirty look, and some things were said and-"

"Hey, don't worry about it, let them throw their hissy fit. They're grown men, they'll figure it out on their own. Now, where is Russia?"

"Oh, well since the meeting is supposed to involve the Soviet Union- which he prefers to be called now, not Russia- and since multiple countries make up the USSR, it was decided that one of us should attend the meeting. Someone else will be here to represent the Soviet Union at the next meeting. That, and I overheard him saying how he didn't want to see you."

Alfred sighed softly. He shouldn't be surprised; he and Ivan were in a Cold War. Even a 'peaceful' meeting wouldn't change that. He made his way over to the chalkboard on the wall, told his brother and friend to cover their ears, and scraped his nails over the board.

"Bloody hell!"

"Mon Dieu!"


Aaannnnd a few more cliche Hetalian sayings followed suit.

"Well, now that y'all have stopped fighting," Alfred started, "maayyybe we can actually start the meeting?"

Ludwig cleared his throat awkwardly, getting back into his seat. Surely Alfred of all people couldn't be more mature than him, right? "A-America is right. The war is over, and we shouldn't be fighting over petty issues. Even if England did start it..."


This was going to be a looooooooong meeting...


A.N. Well, it's longer, and it's done. I'm slowly getting closer to 1000 words.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I'll begin working on the next chapter when I can.

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