Chapter 5 - oh shit, Russia's here

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Author's Note: Merry Christmas! Here's some gay shit


Months had passed since that first meeting, and many more had come after that. Each time, according to Matthew who went as Alfred (since half the time no one can tell the two apart), someone new came to represent the USSR: First, it was Toris, then Eduard, Raivis, Katyusha (Ukraine), and Natalya. Hell, even Gilbert showed up, much to everyone surprise! But not Ivan. Oh no, he was adamant about being nowhere near Alfred. Not that he cared. He had his own issues to deal with...

Miraculously, Alfred had been able to hide his 'situation' from the other nations for months, with plenty of help from Matthew. He was due some time either late December or early January and was counting down the days for it all to be over with.

Anyways, onto the drama~

Alfred moved in with Matthew when his bump really began to show and planned to have a few months of peace until the baby was born. But life just loves to fuck him up the ass. Plans for one final world meeting of the year were planned, and since both Alfred and Matthew were supposed to come, Matthew couldn't keep the charade any longer.

The day before Christmas Eve, the day of the final meeting, Alfred and Matthew booked a hotel room not far from the building the meeting was supposed to take place. Alfred watched from inside the hotel room as snowflakes fell, slowly piling up on top of cars and roofs. Thankfully, it was decided casual wear could be worn, so Alfred could just wear a hoodie to cover the baby bump.

The snow continued to fall the next morning, and the two nations were lucky enough to get inside the building. Shivering still, they made their way to the meeting room, Alfred unusually silent the entire time. Matthew sighed softly.

"You do realize," he began, "that you'd have to see the others sooner or later, right? Even Russia?"

Alfred sighed. "I know. It's just, the last time I saw him, I'm pretty sure he was going for a weapon. Sure, it was nine months ago, but either way..." He took a deep breath. "C'mon, I'm sure the others are just hoping the stupid meeting will be over. Tomorrow's Christmas. Whoever decided to have a meeting today must be some spawn of Satan himself..."

When they made it to the meeting room, both were surprised to find it surprisingly calm. Even all country that made up the U.S.S.R was there. And I do mean every country. Alfred's heart pounded when he saw Ivan, sitting in his seat sandwiched by his sisters. Tugging softly at his hoodie, he sat across the table from Ivan, Matthew sitting next to him.

Ivan looked over at the American coldly. "America."

"Russia." Alfred didn't mean to sound so...well, mean. It just came out that way.

"How does it feel, having to sit so close to your enemy who could easily crush you?" Ivan taunted, a smirk on his face. His child-like demeanor seemed long gone, and his attitude ruined the peaceful, Christmas-time feeling in the room.

"I don't know, how does it feel knowing the only thing that saved you from German invasion was the Russian winter?" Alfred smirked. Two can play that game.

"It wasn't even winter. идиот..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that Operation Barbosa ended in December. You know, because of the winter~"

"это было не из-за зимы, черт побери!" Ivan cursed, slamming his hands on the table as he stood. The sudden attitude difference made Alfred flinch. And he wasn't alone; he glanced around the room and saw everyone wide-eyed at what had happened, even Ivan's own sisters. He looked back up at aforementioned Russian, who had sat back down and was glaring at Alfred.

"Иногда я действительно не люблю Америку ..." Ivan muttered to no one in particular, although his eldest sister giggled softly and teased, "Якщо ви більше не любите його, вам доведеться одружитися з ним."

Ludwig cleared his throat and decided to start the meeting, even though nobody had anything to share, or simply didn't care and just wanted to go home. Alfred glanced out the window only to find nothing but white. No trees, no buildings...just, white. Too much white...

"Um, guys? Look out the window for a second.."

Everyone looked out the window, surprised to see nothing but white like he was. Arthur walked over to the window and opened it, only for the snow to flood in up to his waist. "Bloody hell... if the snow is piled high enough to cover the window, then that means... we're snowed in."

Could this day get any worse?


идиот - "idiot"/"moron", это было не из-за зимы, черт побери! - "It was not because of the winter, damn it!" and Иногда я действительно не люблю Америку - "sometimes I really dislike America..." all in Russian.

Якщо ви більше не любите його, вам доведеться одружитися з ним - "If you dislike him any more you'll have to get married to him" - Ukrainian. Yes, I am THAT extra.

I realize this might be VERY out of character for Russia, or even America, and I do apologize for it. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and don't worry: the baby's coming soon~

Also, the next chapter will be very long and will take a while to publish.

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