Chapter 11 - A promise

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While America took a much-needed shower (and, afterward, a well-deserved nap), Russia and Canada watched over Anna, who was also sleeping. Canada was standing near the bassinet, protective over his niece, while Russia sat in the corner, nose buried in one of the baby care books America had bought over the past few months. Apparently, newborns required much more attention and care than he originally thought. Russia didn't even notice Canada staring at him.

Canada didn't want to leave his back turned for too long; who was to say Russia wouldn't take off with the baby if left alone with her? He reached into his pocket, making sure his knife was still there. Just in case.

To say he was only worried about Anna would be a lie; he was worried about America as well. America wasn't one to talk about how he felt, and the pregnancy had made him irritable, which was strange for him. Canada often felt he had to walk on eggshells to avoid any yelling. Still, he just passed it off as hormones.

The floor behind him creaked softly, and Canada turned to find Russia right behind him, the baby care book in hand.

"I think you should look at this," he whispered, a look of genuine concern on his face. He was pointing at a page titled, 'nervous tension'. Canada took the book, skimming over the page.

The first thing that caught his eye was an illustrated picture of a baby. Below it was a caption that stated, 'arrival of a new baby may result in nervous tension in the sensitive, anxious woman.' Canada just turned to Russia, his eyes narrowed into a squint. "What exactly are you saying? I've already called America a woman, and he didn't like it."

"No, forget the 'woman' part," Russia said, rolling his eyes. "My point is, I'm worried this... 'nervous tension' may happen to America, and it doesn't sound like a good thing. Especially the part where it mentions electroshock therapy as a treatment for it."

"Okay.. but why are you telling me this? I thought you hated America?" Canada stepped closer as if to intimidate Russia. It didn't work.

Russia stepped closer, face to... forehead with Canada. "I do hate America. But I care about my daughter more," he explained, motioning to Anna, who was still asleep. "And if there's anything that might threaten her wellbeing, I will try to stop it. But, I can't do that by myself; Obviously, I cannot stay here and help with the baby. My boss would lose his mind. So, here's what you're going to do-"

"You may have half of Europe under your control to do your beck and call, but guess what, I'm not a part of that. You don't get to boss me around." Canada grit his teeth. "There's not a damn thing you can do to make me change my mind."

"Oh, you'll do it. I know you will." Russia smirked.

"And what makes you say that?"

"Because you care about Anna. I know you do. That's why you've been standing here, trying to... protect her from me, with your hand in your pocket." Russia moved closer, backing Canada against the wall. "What is it, a knife? Pathetic."

"...what do you want?"

"I want you to keep an eye on America. See how he acts for the few weeks. Anything... unusual," Russia said. "And help him with the baby. I know he'll need help, and you live so close, you'll be there for him. It's what he needs."

"...Fine," Canada agreed hesitantly, "but you have to promise me one thing."


"Don't you ever, ever, do anything that might hurt him. Do not threaten to harm Anna, or take her away from him, don't threaten physical or emotional harm him or anybody he cares about, none of that. Got it?" Canada asked.

"Of course. I may be his enemy, but I'm not a monster," Russia retorted.

Canada held out his hand. "Shake on it. Don't shake, unless you mean it."

Russia hesitated, but grabbed Canada's hand and gave it a quick, firm shake. 

Canada squeezed his hand, hard. "I will not hesitate to fuck you up if you break this promise."

"I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice?"

"We're polite. There's a difference." Canada grabbed Russia's scarf, pulling him down to eye level. "And you do not want to get on my bad side."

Russia grit his teeth. "Let go of my scarf, or I will break every bone in your body, starting with your hand. I'll save the neck for last."

"What the fuck are you two doing?"

Russia and Canada turned to the doorway to find America, wrapped in a blanket leaning against the doorframe. Despite the bedhead, he didn't look like he got much sleep.

"...Nothing..." they both lied.

"Don't fuckin' lie to me. I couldn't hear what you two said, but I heard a thud like someone hit the wall." America walked towards them, squinting; he wasn't wearing his glasses. "I swear, if you two wake her up, I'll kick your asses. Now get out."

All three of them left the room quietly, America leaving the door open in case Anna did wake up and started to cry. America was the last out of the room, hesitant to leave.

He glared at Russia and Canada. "Listen you two, I don't care what you were fighting about. I just need you two to keep an eye on Anna. I can't... I just can't stay in there, I'm freakin' tired but it's not safe to leave her in there by herself, and she might cry and I might not hear her... Just stop fuckin' fighting. And wake me up when she wakes up. I gotta feed her and... bond with her or something, I don't know." With that, America headed back to his room, mumbling to himself.

Canada turned to Russia, who had been fixing his scarf. "I uh... I think I see what you mean."


"About him acting... unusual," Canada explained. "I'll keep an eye on him. If that electroshock therapy thing is real... I don't want it to come to that."

Russia cleared his throat, awkwardly. "Thank you. And, I won't make any threats to him or anyone he cares about. I can't say the same about my boss, though; I have no control over him or any decision he makes. I will try to remain civil, for both America's sake and Anna's."


Russia couldn't help but chuckle. "Promise."

~~~~~ End Of Chapter~~~~~

Did you know that Postpartum Depression in the 1940s and 1950s was considered 'nervous tension' and instead of considering hormones to blame, most medical books & professionals blamed the mothers? Because I sure didn't. Nor did I know that electroshock therapy was often used to "cure" the mothers.

I'm not 100% satisfied with this chapter, at least not yet. I might go through and edit a few things, but for now, it's pretty decent. Plus it gives me something to work with for later chapters.

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