Chapter 3 - Answers

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"Well..." Looking back, Alfred had been pretty emotional the past couple of weeks. "I guess so. Why?"

"Well, it'll sound completely stupid...but..."


"Your symptoms sound like that of a pregnant woman."


The room was silent, before loud, obnoxious laughter filled the air.

"Pregnant? Me?!" Alfred doubled over in laughter "Normally your jokes suck, but that one, whoo that was hilarious!"

Matthew shot a glare at his older brother. "I'm serious! You know we're not human, and I know about your little crush on Russia!" That shut Alfred up immediately.

"Y-you know?" he stuttered, dread crawling its way up his back like a spider leaving a trail of silk. Matthew simply nodded.

"Yes. I've known for a while now," Mattie answered. He gently placed a hand on his sibling's shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Alfred simply smiled, but it didn't last long before it fell. Could he really be pregnant? Could countries even have kids of their own, male or female? And if he was pregnant, could he really raise a child?


Another month passed, and some answers were given. After visiting Dr. Patriam*, a special doctor just for the personified nations, he learned two things: One, countries could have children, although usually not between two male nations without a surrogate mother; and two, Alfred was about 2-3 months along. His baby bump had already begun to show, even if it was barely noticeable.

He didn't even know where to start: do you buy the bassinet first, or clothes? What about formula, since he most likely won't produce any milk for the baby? What if he dropped the baby, or lost it, or worse, another country used the baby as a weapon against him?

Another country...using the baby against him...

Ivan. He was the first one who came to mind. He was the baby's father, after all (assuming Alfred would be considered the mommy). What a horrible way to raise a child: in a cold war with the other parent, throwing an innocent little baby into political turmoil.

Alfred sighed as he crawled out of bed. He had to get ready. There was a world meeting today...


*patriam- Latin for country. I was trying to be funny

I hope you enjoyed chapter 3! I know it's pretty short, and skips around a LOT, but this is my first fanfiction so I'm not that experienced with chapter lengths. Hopefully as the story continues, it'll have longer chapters with less time skipping.

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