Chapter 2: A new Beginning

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(Y/n) left the council office and went on her way. But where could she go? She didn't know how to navigate herself through Hell. Every demon looks so intimidating and all she seems to look like is exactly how she looked when she was alive. Just with (f/c) hair and horns at the side of her head. All she could think of doing is going to the head of Hell himself and asking if he could show her how to meet God.

However (Y/n) had no idea where the head of Hell may be. She would ask for directions but she was afraid of getting beaten up but other demons just for talking to them. She went back into the council building to ask for directions to where the Head of Hell dwells. The demon from before answered "If you see a big castle, then that should be your destination. If you can't find it, which is highly impossible, you might bump into the Princess of Hell, who runs the "Happy Hotel" a few blocks from here. Now come back when you're ready to register as a demon."

(Y/n) sighs and begins to search for this 'Happy Hotel' that was mentions a few blocks down. As she walks toward it, she sings a familiar song..

(play provided YouTube video)

I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you

I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known by you

Though I'm weak
Beaten down
I'll slip away
Into the sound
The ghost of you
Is close to me
I'm inside out
You're underneath...

As she ends, she arrives at her destination as is met by a cheery girl with blonde hair in a hotel attendant outfit. "Hello and Welcome to the Happy Hotel! How may I help yo- wait aren't you that new demon they announced earlier? Nice to meet you! I'm Charlotte, Princess of Hell, but Charlie is just fine. What's your name?" (Y/n) paused to recollect her thoughts before shaking Charlie's outstretched arm replying "Um... my name's (y/n)... Nice to meet you too. I was wondering if there was a way for me to meet God and tell him that me being here is a mistake."

Charlie's smile turned into a confused look on her face. "I guess you aren't acquainted with Hell yet, but that's okay. I was born here so I don't know what being alive in your world would be like, however this place isnt all that bad! I understand if you want to go and find redemption and ascend, because that's what we do here at the Happy Hotel! Hell suffers from overpopulation and solves the problem by routinely exterminating its citizens. I want to find an alternate solution to the mass slaughter. That's why I opened up the Happy Hotel, which aims at teaching demons and sinners to become better people!"

(Y/n) looks around before asking "is there an easier way to get to heaven and ask God to forgive me?" Charlie sighs and replies "Yea, but you got to talk to my dad, and he doesn't really like talking about God. I bet he could help you get to heaven at the snap of his fingers, but he's always busy with contracts and stuff so I'm not sure if he has the time to help you." (Y/n) facepalmed herself as she wondered what to do to get redeemed. The thought of entering this rehabilitation hotel made her dread as lethargy levels began to rise with the thought of joining social activities.

Charlie's smile returned to her face as she suggested "Why don't you come in? I'll show you around. You don't have a place to stay either so maybe i'll give you a room." Therefore both Charlie and (Y/n) begin to explore the Happy Hotel. "This is the lobby, where Demons sign up foe their one way ticket to happiness and freedom. It takes time, but I try really hard to make sure their happy. That demon over there with the grey hair is Vaggie, my lovely girlfriend. She helps around so maybe you could ask her for some advice when I'm not around." Charlie said excited.

She then dragged (Y/n) to the Dining area "This is the Dining area! We have buffets at every meal time. Foods vary from the famous Frogs Eyes to the exquisite dog feet stew. We also have normal human-ish food for those demons who miss the human world and it's cuisines." (Y/n) smiled nervously and nodded, obviously disgusted with the food the demons eat. They also visited the gym, pool area, rooftop, and lastly the rooms. "I already told Vaggie earlier for a room for you. So here's your keys. Its getting late so I hope you have a good night!"

Charlie was about to leave as (Y/n) called out to her. "Yes (Y/n)?" "Well I was wondering... is money needed down here in Hell?" Charlie giggled slightly "the amount of thieves here in Hell, its impossible to have money on you. They'll just rob it off you. Why, were you wanting a job?" (Y/n) nodded since she has nothing else to do besides finding a way to get to heaven. So she figured that she should do something in the meantime as she finds a way to redeem herself and get out of this Hell Hole... Literally.

Charlie thought hard on an extra spot in the Hotel, and mentioned "Well... our Bar does need an Entertainer. Can you sing well?" When she was still alive, (Y/n)'s friends and peers would tell her that she had a beautiful singing voice even if she tried to deny it. "I can try... its okay if i don't get paid. I just want something to do in the mean time as I search for a way out of here." Charlie smiled with a hint of sadness and replied "Alright. But you should really get to know this place instead of just wanting to leave. It really isn't as bad as it is depicted. I'll see you in the morning. Good night (y/n)." Charlie enters a lift and is gone in an instant. You opened the room door and entered it.

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