Chapter 22: Victorious

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As Pentious aimed a gun at Alastor, knowing that if he shot his head, he would have a second death, and that death ment that he would cease to exist forever. His grin widened as he flung Sylla away from Alastor, who crashed against the same wall Angel, Charlie, and Cherri were unconsciously lying against. (Y/n)'s vision from blurry to more defined as she regained her strength. Pentious was now so much stronger due to the fact that he has been absorbing Alastor's energy.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way Alastor. Either give me you radio demon powers now or you will truly meet your end." Pentious smirked. (Y/n) got up and dashed toward Alastor, grabbing him and moving him out of the way just seconds before Pentious shot the bullet. The bullet went flying and bounced off the floor, heading straight for Angel's head.

"Angel!" (Y/n) screamed, which woke Sylla up from her painful impact and made a weak barrier over the three unconscious demons. Cherri opened her eyes to find Pentious glaring, obviously angered. She shook both Charlie and Angel violently until they gained consciousness. "What..." muttered Charlie until she noticed a barrier over them. The bullet shot the barrier and broke it, making a sound that resembled shattering glass.

Angel opened his eyes as the sound rang through, getting his guns and aiming for Pentious. But he knew even if he shot him, he wouldn't die. He was far too strong with Alastor's energy. Angel, Asila, Charlie, and Cherri rose to their feet and prepared for a fight. When Pentious turned around to look at (Y/n), she and Alastor were nowhere to be found. Infact, (Y/n) was carrying the weak vessel and trying to find a device that would allow Alastor to regain his strength.

Her eyes scanning the machines and it's instructions, in hopes that she could find a reversal. She then came across a room with a single red capsule with wires all over. She could tell Pentious used this on himself because there were small traces of what seems to be snake skin on the inside of the capsule. She placed Alastor inside the capsule and encased him before returning to the main hall where everyone was fighting against Pentious.

(Y/n) then called out "Hey Pentious! Looking for me?" He turned around and he slithered up to her face, smirking. "In fact I am. Why, you seem so brave suddenly to show yourself. Now, Where is Alastor?" He asked sweetly. (Y/n) shook her head, indicating she wasn't going to tell him. Pentious's smirk faded into an angered expression "I asked you a question. WHERE IS HE?!" He shouted, causing (Y/n) to flinch.

"If you want him so bad? Then find him." (Y/n) said before running back into the rooms with the Capsules. Pentious hissed angrily and chased her, crashing into his machines since she went in between them. The other four chased after him, in hopes that (Y/n) doesn't get hurt. She ran as fast as her legs could take her, but she lost her balance and tripped. "Not so fast now are you?" Pentious grinned as his eyes glared down at her.

Just as he was about to snatch her and put her in a capsule, Angel pushed Sir Pentious into a capsule nearby, which caught him by surprise, and locked the capsule door. He ran over to (Y/n) and picked her up, carrying her to the rest, who activated the capsule that Pentious was in "no no nO NO!! I worked SO HARD on this!" Energy that belonged to Alastor was stripped away from him and transferred back to it's master, who was patiently waiting inside the other capsule that (Y/n) placed him in.

Pentious shrieked in pain as energy was being pulled out of him. "Doesn't seem so good when it happens to you now does it Pentious?" Angel smirked as he held (Y/n) in his arms. Charlie, Cherri, and Sylla smiled at each other as they felt their mission was a success. Alastor, who was slowly getting his energy back from Pentious, grinned his signature grin knowing that they defeated Pentious.

The five of them felt content that he snake was finally defeated. Just as they were awaiting for Alastor, The man himself busted through the door and broke the chamber. "Good Golly, I feel much better!" He said with his signature grin. "Now...where is that pathetic excuse of a snake?" His voice turned distorted. The capsule opened and Pentious fell out, gasping for air. As he gazed up, his eyes met with the ever so demonic smile of Alastor. "You really don't know when to quit do you?"

Pentious hissed in anger but was too weak to do anything. Alastor snapped his fingers and sent a shock of pain to Pentious's body. "That wasn't as painful as you made me feel earlier but I'm a gentleman, so consider yourself lucky, serpent." The six then left the lab, all tired but happy that it's all over. Sylla then gave a sad smile saying "Well, our adventure is over. I'll head back to the South now. It was nice seeing everyone again, and meeting such a pretty new face." But before she teleported back Alastor gripped her arm. "Wait..." he said hesitantly. "Y-You could come back to the main town with us you know..."

Asila looked at Alastor, slightly shocked. "Why would you..." she questioned, wondering why he wasn't mad to see her. "I guess you forgot that I could read minds." Alastor chuckled. "I was never mad at you after that fight, and was quite foolish of me when I told you to go away and never come back. You know I didn't mean that, I was just upset." Asila smiled and replied "As much as I would like to return with you amazing people, my things and my living quarters is back there. I might come back, but it will take time."

She waved and teleported back to where they found her. Alastor, having slight regret, turned to the gang saying "I must say my thanks for coming to my aid, and I deeply apologize for my actions towards you (Y/n). I do hope you can perhaps forgive me. It's understandable if you don't, I wouldn't forgive myself eith--"

"It's okay Alastor. I forgive you."

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