Chapter 12: Deck of Cards

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As (y/n) woke up rubbing her eyes, she noticed something fluffy lying down above her torso, snoring softly. She slowly tried to move out of the way and get off the bed but skinny arms would wrap around her torso. She tapped lightly on the fluffy being "Angel... I need to get up..." (y/n) said tired. Angel shook his head and went back to sleep. "C'mon Angel, I allowed you to pass out in my room whilst you let Cherri recover form her hangover, which I'm sure she has. Besides, you promised today to teach me how to play poker."

Angel then sat up, eyes still closed. "...okay..." (Y/n) laughed slightly and patted his floofy head, which was a total mess. The two of them got up and Angel went back to his room to get ready for the day. As he got into the room, Cherri was no where in sight. Only fat nuggets, Angel's pet pig, was excitedly looking at him at the door. "Hello baby, I need to freshen up." He then picks up his pig as he closed the door behind him and went to the bathroom.

Both (y/n) and Angel did their normal morning routine. The thought of leaving Hell in (Y/n)'s mind slowly began to disappear because she was having so much fun with her new found friends. As she got changed into some new clothes that Angel stole for her a few days ago, she looked out the balcony to see a small bright light in the distance. "What's that..?" She wondered. Suddenly, a few knocks sounded as Angel called from outside "(Y/n), you ready to go sweetheart?" (Y/n) snapped out of the trance that the light put her in and replied "Coming!" She combed her (h/l) (f/c) hair and left the room.

"Are you ready to learn from the best honey?" Angel boasted. (Y/n) nodded, considering that she has never played poker before. They went to the casino, within the hotel, and found two Demons waiting for them "Ugh... took you long enough" said the one that looked like a cat. "C'mon! Let's get started" giggled the one with short, bright red hair. "Ugh, husk sweetie, your just too impatient. Couldn't you just wait a little while for me to look fabulous?" Angel rolled his eyes. The demon by the name of Husk replied "No."

"Anyways, the two of you haven't met (Y/n) yet have you? (Y/n) that's Niffty and that's Husk. Niffty helps around the Happy Hotel whilst Husk is just... well he's grumpy most of the time but he has good intentions... kinda."

Niffty appears to be a one-eyed demon, having a hot pink sclera and a yellow iris. Her hair was fluffy and pink with a yellow undertone. She was wearing a 50's themed outfit: pink scarf with yellow dots, white shirt with pink dots and pink skirt with light yellow dots on the side. Her arms and legs are tiny and they're dark-pink.

Husk on the other hand had greyish-brown fur with white fur on his face, torso and upper arm. He has long red eyebrows and his eyes are brown with orange pupils. His tail is brown and long, ending with some large "plume-like" fur, which is red with black and white stripes. Apparently he has wings and they are big, red, with black stripes and suits (a.k.a poker symbol markings). He also wears a black hat and a cute red bowtie. The two new demons were very much contrasting.

"I've seen both of them in the hotel before. I just never had the chance to say hi." (Y/n) said awkwardly. Angel smirked "Well then, this game of poker will definitely help you warm up to them. Now what should we play hmm?" Niffty then suggested "Maybe Five of a Kind?" Husk chuckled "Alright then Missy." He takes out a stack of cards and begins to shuffle them showing all sorts of tricks.

"Let me tell you what this game is about" Angel began. "Poker is played from a standard pack of fifty-two cards. The cards are ranked, from high to low: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Ace. Ace can be high or low, but is usually high. There are four suits, or symbols: spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs. However, no suit is higher than another. All poker hands contain five cards, the highest hand wins."

"Some games have Wild Cards, which can take on whatever suit and rank their possessor desires. Sometimes jokers will be used as wild cards, other times, the game will specify which cards are wild. You get it?" Angel paused. "Kinda" replied (y/n). Angel then continued "The one that we will be playing now would be Five of a Kind. A five of a kind, which is only possible when using wild cards, is the highest possible hand. If more than one hand has five of a kind, the higher card wins."

Niffty then joins the conversation "For example: Five Aces beats five kings, which beat five queens, and so on. You'll understand as we get into the game." Husk then deals out the cards and the game began. But as time went on, (y/n) had gotten more confused and they had to play Go Fish instead. She picked it up quite quickly compared to Five of a Kind.

"Go fish sweetheart." Angel winks at Husk as he groans. (Y/n) needed the seven of spades to win since she already had five 'books' on her side of the table and the cards were down to the last three. (Books: When any player at any time has all four cards of one face value, it forms a book, and the cards must be placed face up in front of that player.)

"Angel, do you have any sevens?" (Y/n) asked with a poker face. Angel rolled his eyes while smirking "Infact I do toots. Here ya' go darling~" and with that, (Y/n) won. She then smiled, thanked Husk and Niffty, and said

"Poker isn't that bad after all."

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