-Chapter 7-

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(This is kinda how I pictured your apartment would look)

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(This is kinda how I pictured your apartment would look)

˜"*°•.˜"*°• Your POV •°*"˜.•°*"˜

You woke up to the sound of the speed train outside. Its horn reminded you of your alarm and the wheels shook your whole building.

As you opened your eyes, you could see your bed towering over your spot on the floor. You were about to stand up to see if Bot was still asleep but there was pressure around your waist that stopped you from doing so.

Your gaze immediately dropped to see Bot hugging your torso and nuzzling his face into your lower back. His eyes were closed, so he was probably asleep.

You put a hand on his shoulder to shake him awake. But this proved futile. You called his name, ruffled his hair, squeezed his arm. But none of this worked!

He must be shut down or something...

But, why was he down here and not in the bed in the first place?!

Was the bed uncomfortable?
Was he cold?
Can robots even feel cold?
Why is he hugging me?!

Clumsily, you tried to turn around to face him, this only caused him to hug you tighter. His grip was starting to hurt a little bit.

"Bot!" You whisper shouted

"Bot, listen! You gotta wake up! You're crushing me."

Slowly, after a couple seconds, Bot raised his head and looked up at you with sleepy eyes. Your upper body was propped up on your elbows as his arms were wrapped around your waist. Luckily he was kinda laying next to you and not on you. If he was he'd probably crush you.


His eyes were half lidded and his hair wasn't as smooth as it was the night before.

Immediately after those words left his lips, your face turned beet red. [If your skintone doesn't show blush then you can ignore this. But remember, your skintone is beautiful, no matter the shade :) ].

"Bot, you have to get up now. I have to make breakfast and charge my phone." You said softly, as though speaking to a child almost.

"Of course...Y/N"

He stood up and stretched his arms. Not a second after, you got up and started opening the door to go downstairs and make breakfast.

"Bot, do you need to eat?"

"No. I don't, but I can if I want to. As in, it is possible for me to eat, but I don't need to to survive."

"I see...well, I'll make some waffles or something so if you're not going to eat you can wait in the living room or at the table."

"Of course."

˜"*°•.˜"*°• like 2 minutes l8tr •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Once your fabulous waffles were done you went to sit at the dining room table. Bot wasn't there so you assumed he was in the living room or something.

'"▪□- Bot's POV -□▪"'

Master told me that they'd be making breakfast- this means they'll be busy!

This is the perfect time to get a better look around. Of course when I didn't have a body I could see every room except for the bathroom, but now I can touch things and open doors or cabinets that I couldn't before.

I'll be careful to make sure master doesn't catch me though, of course.

I start in the living room, opening a couple drawers and looking through some magazines master had on the coffee table. I went into the bathroom and looked through the linen cabinet, there wasn't much to find in there.

But after I looked through those two rooms, I got to master's room. The door was slightly creaked open and I peeked inside. Slowly, trying not to make the door creak, I opened it and started looking around. I was careful not to trip on the air mattress as I went around the room, looking in shelves and on top of their dresser.

As I stepped over the air mattress though, I remember how it felt to hold them so close, to feel their warmth and to hear their soft breathing. I didn't sleep the rest of the night- I just watched them.

They were oh so cute as well! They moved around and snuggled into me, if I had a real heart it would've been beating out of my chest! My face started getting hot again and my cooling system also turned on automatically. It was such an odd sensation, but I'd love to feel it again.

After my short flashback I went back to searching their room a bit. I found a couple rolled up posters they were probably too lazy to hang, a few pencils in a small cup on their desk. Nothing too exciting or intriguing.

"Bot!" I heard you call from downstairs "where are you?!"

Shit. You must've seen I was gone.

I quickly walk out of the room and go downstairs, to the living room, and see you.

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