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I woke up with the early scent of pancakes invading my room. It's only 5:30 in the morning and I swear I never woke up this early. I decided to go back to sleep but my stomach is saying otherwise, saying it's hungry. Which one do I listen to? Of course, the stomach.

I got up from the bed, heading towards the bathroom installed in my room. I took a quick shower and headed towards my closet, picking clothes to wear for the day. It's the first day of school and I couldn't be more excited hahaha, note the sarcasm.

I picked out a yellow sweater-like top and some black pants.

That looks good.





Okay. This is too plain for my liking. It's a fucking disrespect to my fashion sense.

I looked around and saw a black ribbon underneath the table. Got it and tied it around my neck.

Okay, that's nice.

I went out the room and took one last glance at the clock.


The fuck? How does time even fly?

I made my way downstairs and went straight to the kitchen, greeting my mom and dad in process.

"Good morning, ma, pa."

"Good morning Tae. Excited for school aren't we?" Pa greeted.

I gave him my most disgusted face.

"Eew pa. How could you even say that?!"

And the kitchen is hawled with laughter.

"Okay Taebear eat up. Don't want my honeybunch starving so early in the morning." Ma said.


"Goodbye, ma, pa!" I said as I dashed outside the door. Hell, I'm not late if that's what you're thinking. I just want to escape from my mother and father's romantic love scenes.

"Honeybunch, you forgot this!" Ma yelled back as she held my necklace high for me to see.

"Oh shet!" I ran back to her to get it.

That necklace is a memento from my grandma who I loved dearly. It has sentimental value that no one in this world could ever replace, not even money.


"Taeeeee! It's good to see you again!" was the first thing I heard when I walked my way inside BigHit Academy. Seconds later, I'm on the ground, tackled by my bestest friend, Jimin.

"Hey Chimmmy!"

We went inside the Administration's Office to see our schedule.

What is this shit.

I only have one class with Jimin.

It's fucking Chemistry.

Okay. I love Chemistry to be honest. It's just that I always listen to the teacher of this subject which results in not talking to Jimin at all.


Oh well. Guess I have to cope up with this.

I made my way to my first subject. Literature.

I took the seat infront of the teacher so that I can hear clearly and set my recorder ready for the discussion though I doubt there will be any discussions happening today because... well, it's the first day of school.

Signed Letter | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now