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"So Taeri-"





"TAEHYUNG! Gosh Jeon. My name isn't that hard to pronounce."

"Whatever, I'll just call you Kim."

"Jeon, how are we supposed to be "boyfriends" if you call me by my last name?"

"Then call me by my name too, Taebung"

"GOSH IT'S TAEHYUNG! Tae with Hyung. Be serious for now Jungkook."

"Now that's better! We'll get along, Taebyun."

I give up.

"So this coming Friday, dress your best, not formal but be uhh appropriate? I'll pick you up in your house. Give me your address." He said as he handed me a piece of paper.

"No. I'll just walk to your house. Give me your address instead."

"No Taeyung. Boyfriends remember? I need to pick you up."

"Taehyung, Jungkook, Taehyung!"

"Argh! Your name is so hard, I'll just call you Tae."

"Noooo, only my close friends call me that."

"So what do you want to be called, Jungkook's honeybunch?" He smirked slightly.

"Taehyun- W-What? Honeybunch?" I stuttered, blushing.

"Aww comeon, Honeybunch, you know you like it." He purred to my ear.

Shit, he's so close. My ears are my most sensitive part of the body and he dared to-


I moaned.

I fucking moaned.

He raised his hands and traced my cheeks, to my jawlines and to my neck. My eyes are closed, totally lost in the feeling of his hands.

"Taeeeee, are you there?" Jimin shouted. I jolted my eyes awake and pushed Jungkook to the side, him stumbling in progress.

"Owwww! What was that for?!"

"Hush Mister!"

"There you are!" Jimin shouted as he made way towards us.

"I'm really gonna punish you for leaving me in lunchtime, you don't have the right to leave your bestfriend like that - oh Jeon Jungkook, didn't see you there. I'm coming to your house this instant, you need to-"

He blinked once.



"Uh hi, Uhh Park?"

Jimin's mouth fell open.

"Why-What-Why are you here? What are you doing here? Well hello bu-"

"Chim calm down" I called to my friend.

"Tae, explain this instant why the two of you are alone and what are the two of you doing here. I tho-"

"We're dating." Jeon blurted out.

Jimin's eyes went huge again.


"We're dating, Park" Jeon repeated as he slid his arms around my waist, giving me a just-go-with-the-flow signal.

You've gotta be kidding me.

Signed Letter | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now