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Too much.

Too much PDA.

This guy doesn't hold back you know? He always intertwine our hands when we're walking to our next subject. He calls me pet names each time we talk because of his pathetic excuse of "your name is hard" and makes sure those pet names are heard. He moved from his original sitting position to right next to me, leaning his head against my shoulders.

I know these are just some actions and forgive me for feeling it but

there is it again

The butterfly feeling inside my stomach and the tugging of my heartstrings.

I have never felt this way before but I find it funny. It feels... nice.

During lunch, he sat beside me. Telling me that I should feed him viceversa.

"Jungkook, use your hands will you? I have a mouth to feed. And also, stop pinching my stomach. It hurts."

I am currently wrapped in his arms with a tight grip, pinching my stomach as he settled his hand on an area.

"Honeybunch, you're chubby. You eat too much food."


"That's it for today."  He said as he grabbed my lunchbox away from me.

"Jungkook, give it back! And let go will you?"

"Sure but I won't be giving it back."


"The lunch I mean"

"Noo give it back"

"Choose to let go or to give you lunch"

"Give me back my lunch"

"But you'll grow fat."

"I don't care."

"But I do."

There he goes again. Telling sweet nothings.

"W-What do you mean?"

"I can't have a chubby boyfriend now can I?"

I huffed giving up.

"Fine. But you have to let me go."


"Comeon Taebung!" Jungkook said as he dragged me towards the mall.

Well actually tomorrow, I'll be meeting his parents so I decided to shop clothes to leave a good impression on his parents especially his father and no, I'm not doing this for his sake, I'm doing it so my necklace will be safe in his hands.

He dragged me inside a store called i o r a and I must say, their clothes are wonderful.

I rummaged my hands over the hangers, selecting good outfits for me to try on. I settled with three different outfits.

"I'll be taking these Miss." I said as I handed the cashier the clothes.

"Done?" I heard Jeon say. I nodded to him as a reply as he made his way towards me.

"How much all are these, Miss?"

"250 dollars all sir."


He grabbed his wallet from his bag and took his credit card, handing it to the cashier.

"Wait Jungkook, I'm paying!" I panicked as I stopped his hand. I don't want him paying for me when I'm the one who suggested to buy clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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