School life just got bad..

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WOW !!! Thank you all for all the votes..personal messages and comments. Yes , I know some of my fans are really "pissed" off for not uploading but I have to tell you College life is busy life :( 






"I know he is my neighbour." Leah said banging her head on the table

"A love triangle ." Riley said laughing 

"Stop laughing re -re ." Leah said smiling 

They sat in there seats and waited for the teacher to come,when the door opened and stepped in....


I was laughing and having fun with Riley while we waited for the teacher to come . But when the door opened I felt like my heart had stopped beating , it was like I was witnessing my worst nightmare . 

Derek. My worst nightmare.  I could feel tears starting to gather in my eyes and someone calling my name . But everything felt like it was falling apart . Only this time I hoped , I was strong enough to move on . But I started questioning my ability to maintain a straight face .

"Hi Guys , most of you might remember me and for those who don't  well I'm Derek . I use to go to this school but had to drop out because of personal problems . I love to play football was a quater back before I left. I love partying and girls. " Derek said adding a wink towards the end 

Which caused half of the girl population to melt . Derek was fairly well built with a british accent and eyes which literally would take your breath away.

Riley was finally able to get my attention and held my hand through the introduction . I was waiting more like glaring at the watch to strike so that I could run away from this class. I was hoping that he was only in this class not the rest because I couldn't bare to look at the face which ditched me when I needed him the most , the face which left me for popularity, the face which betrayed my trust and broke it forever.

I just wanted to turn invicible for the time or cuddle in Travis's arms where I felt safe, content and complete. 

Riley held my hand throughout the class . But I could feel this eyes on through the class.

The last few minutes the teacher gave time to gossip and chat with our friends. When I felt Derek approaching the desk were I sat .

"Leah". Derek said 

I didn't respond , I couldn't after what he had done to me. My grip tightened on Riley's hand. He just gripped my hand to tell me he was there for me and he wasn't leaving me . 

"Leah please talk to me . Please I missed you leah-bear. I want my best friend back." Derek said 

I looked over his shoulder and noticed the bell was just about to leave and it was goin to be Travis's class. I turned and told him " I wish I could say the same , but you lost my trust and friendship the day , you walked away for that whore of a girlfriend . I would say I miss you but then again I would be lying and its not my department to lie now . Isn't it Derek ?"

Just then the bell rang and i dragged Riley with me to the next class , glancing back to see a tear make it's way from Derek's eyes. 


I really hope that was good enough ! 

Sorry for the delay and let me know how you like the chapter :)

Vote and fan :) :)



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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