Introduction & Updates

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Intervention is my NaNoWriMo 2018 project. It's based on the short story with the same name, also available on my profile. 

Intervention is a story that was born from a short story challenge outside of Wattpad almost two years ago now. It's a story I've been sitting on since then as other projects have taken priority. However, I'm excited to finally bring it to you and I'm looking forward to sharing another exciting adventure with you.

As you're reading this, NaNoWriMo is far behind us. My journey to completing this story was interrupted by the November 30th earthquake in Alaska, which kept me from completing NaNoWriMo as we picked up the pieces. That has not stopped me from continuing the story and as I'm writing this updated intro in early April of 2019, I'm finding myself just a few chapters from the end of the story. It's very exciting! Once completed, I'll be going back around for a round of heavy edits that I expect will take months.

Note that the chapters posted right now will not be edited and will be pretty rough in true NaNoWriMo fashion. This is intentional. I invite your comments and feedback on the chapters and do please out plot holes and other problems you see with the story. Really, all feedback is welcome.

Enjoy the story!


September 29, 2020

I've officially entered Intervention into the Wattys 2020. Although I ran out of time to edit the whole story, I did what I could. I'll continue to edit throughout the fall. I'm also getting motivated to explore the sequel.

September 4, 2020

An updated chapter two has been posted that's completely different after the editing process. It's just the beginning.

July 10, 2020

After several false starts, the editing process has begun in earnest as of the beginning of July. Today I posted a revised chapter 1 with a complete rewrite of chapter 2 coming in the coming week. 

May 2019 Update:

The story has been completed. I'll be spending the next couple of months editing. To find out what's next, check out the very last chapter of this story.

Intervention | NaNoWriMo 2018Where stories live. Discover now