Chapter 36 - The Escape

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The semi-transparent heads of the council members hovered over their respective spots, their transparent representations of their hosts shimmering slightly. A lone figure stood at the head of the table, legs apart, his hands behind his back and head held high. A slight murmur of hushed conversations among the council members was the only evidence of activity within the chamber until the head of the council broke the silence.

"Commander Hamil, if you'll indulge me, perhaps you can share again how Captain Graber could elude you and your forces and the subject sent back through the portal?"

Hamil sighed and shrugged. "Councilman Dexter, although I appreciate your efforts to find out what happened, I'm afraid repeating the story for the third time will not change the course of events."

"Perhaps so, Commander, but you understand why we ask?"


"You see, I can't recall the last time a subject surprised and subdued a person of your stature, much less escape their grasp. Not to mention all of our security forces. In fact, I don't think it's ever happened."

"There is a first for everything, Councilman."

"I find your levity in this matter disturbing, Commander. This is a serious security breach, and the Council will have to determine whether this reflects on your abilities and character as we decide the outcome of this investigation."

"I meant no disrespect, Councilman, merely that Captain Graber is a resourceful individual."

"Yes, I gather as much. How does he know about the maintenance ducts?"

"His father was a part of the Maintenance Corps and often used those same passages. I suspect that growing up, the father shared some of this knowledge with him."

"A clear violation of protocol."

"Indeed," Hamil said and nodded. "However, it is also not an uncommon practice for parents to pass on knowledge of their line of work in the hope that they continue family traditions."

"Perhaps. Although, that didn't happen."

"As we all know, you are correct. Captain Graber decided he wanted to join the armed forces instead and was a useful asset-"

"The emphasis on was, Commander. Where is Captain Graber now? Not only did he elude you in the hospital wing but he also managed to disappear from the portal room. How could this happen?"

"Two of the soldiers tasked with guarding the portal were found tied up in a maintenance duct inside a workshop next to the portal chamber itself. They revealed that Captain Graber escaped through the ducts, likely the same way he came in the first place."

"Why have you not been able to locate him, Commander?"

"Our knowledge of the maintenance passages is limited. We've requested the assistance of the Maintenance Corps, but they're slow to react and seem unwilling to give up what they consider their territory."

Councilman Dexter sat in silence for a few moments. "That's not acceptable. Communicate to the head of the Corps that lack of cooperation will result in punishment. What about the subject?"

"Marie? As far as we know, she went through the portal. The logs of the portal reveal that someone passed through it. We know it wasn't Captain Graber, which leaves us with the conclusion that-"

"Yes, yes," Dexter said and waved his hand dismissively. "She likely went through the portal. You realize, of course, that this is a catastrophic event."

Hamil nodded. "I realize that the intent was for her to never return to her timeline, yes."

"And now that she has, all our work is for naught, is it not? The whole point of sending Captain Graber back to that point in time was to encourage small alterations that would change the future in our favor."

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