Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: The following chapter is the non-edited draft of what was written during NaNoWriMo 2018. My apologies in advance for plot holes and other inconsistencies.


Lincoln had barely escaped discovery after knocking out the tanker driver. He had almost been done filling up his large fuel containers when the driver had come around the back of the truck and frozen in his steps, eyes wide. They both had stared at each other for a fraction of a second before the driver reached for his sidearm and Lincoln dropped the nozzle and leaped towards the man. The collapsed in a heap on the ground and traded fist blows until Lincoln managed to knock the man out.

Breathing heavily, he had completed filling the cans and retreated to just inside another set of ruins a mere ten yards from the tanker. From there, he had a first row view to the discovery of the knocked out driver and the subsequent arrival of Colonel Hastings. Lincoln had no doubt in his mind that Hastings now knew that Lincoln was alive. He just wasn't sure what it meant yet. It was only when he heard Hastings issue orders to evacuate that hope returned and he allowed a smile on his face.

He watched as they soldiers packed up and their vehicles left, one by one. By the time they had all left, Lincoln waited five additional minutes, just to be sure that they were not coming back before he left his hiding spot and headed for the truck.

The fire had exploded in size in just the last few minutes. He had no idea what Marie had done but he was fairly confident the scope of the fire was beyond her planning. It was certainly beyond what they needed as far as a diversion went. There was no denying it had worked though. Hastings and his team had evacuated.

With the warmth of the fire on his face, he ran towards the truck as quickly as he could with the two fuel cans in his hands while he kept a constant eye on the fire. Hastings had likely retreated because he saw a threat. Seeing how quickly the fire spread, Lincoln understood his perspective. If they didn't hurry, it wasn't unreasonable to fear that they could become trapped in the inferno.

When he reached the truck, it was already running with Marie in the driver's seat. When she saw him, she waved at him frantically with both hands. Lincoln loaded the fuel cans onto the back of the truck and then joined Marie in the cab.

"Where have you been?" she said as she put the truck in gear. "This place is about to blow up."

"Yes, I can see that. What did you do?"

"What I said I would do, create a diversion. It worked, didn't it?"

Lincoln looked at Marie for a second, then nodded. "Yes. Hastings evacuated west. Which way do we need to go?"

"We continue north."

Lincoln nodded with satisfaction. While Hastings was busy west of the city, they could put some distance between them and, with any luck, disappear without a trace.

"Let's head due north then, if we can. It's getting bad out there."

Marie nodded, gripped the steering wheel with two hands and left the garage behind. As they rounded the building and headed towards the stadium, Lincoln was shocked at the speed at which the fire was spreading. It had jumped the streets between the original explosion the blocks next to the stadium, now threatening the old sports structure itself.

They raced passed the stadium, through a roundabout on the north side and continued several blocks north before they found a street that could take them to the highway out of town. Once they found the highway, the night sky to the south was illuminated by a yellow glow that appeared to spread as they were driving. Just as they turned onto the road that led north out of town, Lincoln heard the distinct roar of aircraft above. He stuck his head out the window but was unable to see anything except shadows against the orange glow behind them. Bombers? Where they planning on just blowing the fire out?

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