Unexpected news... (1)

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London, 1969.
"Wake up my darling I've got some good news" I woke up to Freddie's voice.
"What the hell are you doing here, it's way too early". I said groaning and opening my eyes to see him standing by the door of my bedroom. "Your mom let me in, come on stand up, I need to tell you something".
Freddie and I have been best friends since we were babies so by the tone of his voice I could tell that what he was about to tell me was something important.
I stood up and approached him slowly. "What is it?" I asked trying to figure out what was so serious.
"Do you remember the band i've been telling you about? The one that plays in the pub two blocks away?" How can I not remember? Freddie has been talking about that band for about a month now.
"Yes, I remember" I said while nodding slowly, still trying to figure out what was his point.
"So their lead singer quitted yesterday so I went up to ask them if I could join the band and guess what happened after they heard me sing? They said yes! I'm the new lead singer, isn't it amazing?" He asked obviously thrilled.
"Oh my god Freddie! That's even more than amazing, i'm so happy for you"
I exclaim while pulling into a hug.
"But what it's actually more than amazing is that they're also looking for a pianist" Freddie said while moving his eyebrows up and down.
"Freddie, you know that I don't have time to be in a band right now" And it was true, I'm just starting college and it has been like going through hell, I barely have some spare time, but of course Freddie kept insisting.
"Come on Andrea, we both know you have a talent with the piano, please please please join the band with me"
"Sorry Fred I really can't right now, you know that I spend every spare minute I have studying" I replied.
"That's why you need this, you need to take a break from college and start having fun, besides, this is your last year as a teenager you should be partying 24/7 instead of studying" He insisted.
"I do really need a break, don't I? I replied.
"Of course you do darling, come on, this is just for fun"
"Ok, I'll join the band" I finally said.
"YES!! So come to this address tonight at 8:00 p.m. the boys want to listen to you playing the piano before you're officially in the band" Freddie said.
"So is it like a trial?" I asked a little bit nervous. "Yes kind of, but there's nothing to worry about, of course they're going to let you join us after they hear you". He answered. I laughed nervously "If you say so"

QUEEN // Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now