Coffee?... (6)

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"Brian, calm down" I said to him, he was looking all over the pub for Freddie, he didn't even pay attention to what I said. "Actually Freddies lyrics wasn't THAT bad" John told Brian, probably not a smart idea. "You're kidding right? He has no right to change the song completely without us knowing, this is not about the lyrics, this is about the decisions, we all need to agree to change the lyrics, not just because he feels like it, he can change the song" Brian snapped at John who immediately regretted even talking.
"We need to find him." Brian said more to himself than to us. Out of the blue, a brunette girl approached us "Hey guys, I loved the song!" She said to us with a flirtatious voice while looking at Brian. "Hi, thanks, we are actually looking for Freddie, can we talk later?" John responded. "Freddie? The singer? I saw him going upstairs a while ago." She answered still looking at Brian.
"Upstairs?" Brian finally looked at her and she nodded. "Thanks darling, find us later, we have something to do" We started walking/trotting to the stairs without letting the brunette girl respond.

"Want to hold my hand again?" Roger whispered to me, I wanted to say no but the crowd did got bigger and I was afraid that I might lose them so I nodded. He took my hand and we both followed the guys upstairs.

"There you are!" I heard Brian yelling at Freddie. He was sitting in a couch with a blonde girl, as soon as he heard Brian he stood up and looked at all of us with a scared face. When we were close enough the yelling was about to start.
"Mm. Hey guys, this is Mary." Freddie said pointing to the blonde girl.
"Hey Mary" We said in unison in exception of Brian. "How dare you change the lyrics!" Brian said taking a step closer to Freddie. "I-I'm sorry" Freddie said looking down at his feet like a sad puppy. "You cannot make decisions like that without asking the band." Roger said. "I know I truly am sorry." He finally said. Brian sighed trying to relax "We'll talk about this on Monday, my apartment, five pm" Brian commanded to all of us, and walked away.

"Come on lets go" Roger told me taking my hand again. "Oh Andrea darling" Freddie said taking my other hand. "I want you to meet Mary" Freddie spoke to me. "I'll see you downstairs" I told Roger, he nodded with a small smile on his face and left.

I turned to look at Freddie "Andrea, this is Mary, Mary, Andrea" "Hi, it's so nice to meet you" We both said at the same time and laughed. "Andrea, has been my best friend since she was born, she's basically a sister to me." Freddie added. "Andrea, I like your sweater, where is it from?" Mary asked me. "Uh-mh not sure, I found it laying around in my house, but thanks" I said and Mary smiled. "You're are very talented with the piano, I think your rhythm belongs perfectly with the band" She said and I thanked her. Maybe she can be my friend. I thought to myself.
"I'm leaving now, I've got school tomorrow" I said in part because it was true and also because I wanted to leave Freddie and Mary alone, I'm pretty sure they're up to something. "Come on my dear, stay longer" Freddie insisted.
"Can't, I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow, bye Freddie, it was nice meeting you Mary" I said hugging both of them.

I went downstairs trying to look for the other guys so that I could say goodbye to them. Eventually I found John and Brian talking with a random guy. I went up to them. "Hey guys, I'm heading home" I told them. "Already? It's only 9:45" John said turning to look at me. "I know, but I've got school tomorrow."
I responded with a sad tone in my voice. "Well I guess we'll be seeing you on Monday" Brian said while pulling me into a hug. "You did amazing by the way" Brian told me. "I agree" John joined. "Thanks guys, see you on Monday."

I started walking away trying to find Roger so that I could say goodbye to him, which didn't take long. He was surrounded by three girls who where obviously flirting with him, when he noticed me he got up without saying a word to the other girls and walked over to me with a smirk on his face.

"Hey" he said smiling. "Hey" I replied. "Hey" he said again taking a step closer to me, I cleared my throat. "Uh I'm leaving, I just wanted to say goodbye" I said to him. "Let me walk you home" He said looking straight into my eyes. "Oh don't worry, it's only a couple of blocks away." I replied breaking the eye contact. "But it's late" He said again, taking a step closer to me. "I'll be fine, Roger" "But I want to make sure you will." He said looking into my eyes again forcing me to make eye contact. "You don't have to" I responded. "But I want to" He explained. "Ok, let's go then"

"Why did you want to leave so early?" Roger asked while we were walking.
"I have classes tomorrow morning"  I explained. "Classes on a Sunday morning?" Roger asked confused. "Yep, but it is only from 7:00 am to 8:30"
I replied as if that justifies classes on Sunday. "Why would your college give classes on a Sunday? It doesn't make sense." He stated. "Actually... Its optional to go." I said. He suddenly stopped walking and looked at me with a confused face. "Why would you go then?" He said shocked. "Well now that I joined the band I have less time to study or do homework that's why I go to these classes, in an hour and a half I can go through my notes and the professor helps me with my homework , that's the only way I can survive college"
I said trying to make him see my point of view. "I get it now." He said nodding.

We kept talking about random things such as the incident with Freddie and Brians attitude towards it. He told me that Brian had this really explosive attitude but overall he was a good guy.

"Thanks for walking me home" I smirked. "No problem" He remarked. He hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you on Monday" He said and I nodded smiling. He turned around and started walking away. "Do you want to come in?" I mumbled, where did that even come from!? "What?" He asked, he didn't listen to what I had just said but still my mouth betrayed me once again. "Do you want to come in?" I asked again. "Uh-mh yeah sure" He was as surprised as me.

We both entered my house and I turned on the lights. "You've got a nice place" Roger said while admiring the wall where I had my family pictures. "Thanks" I mumbled. "Is this you?" Roger asked pointing at a picture of a girl. "No, that's my mom when she was 17" I answered. "God, you look like twins, she's your doppelgänger" I chuckled at his comment. "It's not the first time I hear it and probably not the last one."

I went into the kitchen and he stayed there looking at the photos. "Do you want coffee?" I yelled from across my house. "Do you have tea?" He yelled back. "No, I don't like tea" I exclaimed. I heard footsteps approaching and then Roger entered the kitchen with concern in his face. "You don't like tea?" He muttered making it sound as if it was some sort of crime. I laughed at this.
"I don't." "Coffee will be fine then" He smiled at me.

When I got out of the kitchen with the cups of coffee in my hand, Roger was sitting down in front of my piano. I sat down next to him and handed him his coffee. "Can you play something for me?" He said taking a sip of his drink. I chuckled. "Sure".

I started playing an intro to a song. It was a slow song but not a boring one. Not only 15 seconds had passed and I stopped playing.

"I haven't finished it yet." I said staring at Roger. "Wait... you wrote that song?" He asked with admiration and a smile on his face. "I did, a few nights ago, I'm not sure if I should finish it." I said not wanting to make eye contact.
"I think you should, it has a nice intro." He said and I thanked him.
"Andrea?" Roger called making me look up at him. "You are so talented, I truly admire you." He said with a serious tone. "Thanks, so are you." I whispered.

Time flew by and an hour later he left my house.

I couldn't wait to see him again on Monday.

QUEEN // Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now