Happy Birthday... (11)

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This chapter was obviously based off on memes :P
Days after we finished recording our first album, Freddie invited us to his house to celebrate his birthday.

He kept it simple, just the band, Mary , Freddies' sister and both of his parents obviously. I had to sit in between Brian and John and in front of Roger, which in my opinion wasn't a bad view at all. We all ate some traditional meals from Zanzibar that Freddie's mother had prepared. After we all had finished it was time for the dessert which was a cake that Mary's dad brought.

"So Brian, Freddie told me you are some sort of scientist" Freddie's mom said. "I study astrophysics actually" Brian corrected which made me laughed catching Rogers attention, he smirked at me and took a bite of his piece of cake. "Brian, in your professional opinion, do you think stars have feelings?" Roger asked which made me laugh even harder, Roger smirked once again which a victorious look in his face. "Roger, stop it, you can try to impress Andrea with your jokes later" Brian responded a bit annoyed. Rogers smirk disappeared from his face almost immediately, rolling his eyes at Brian. "Wait, wait i've got a good one" John said turning to look at Brian. "Alright, answer me this Mr. May. Can you tell me, with any certainty, that there isn't intelligent life on other planets?" John asked and Brian sighed thinking about an answer. "At the moment i'm not sure there's intelligence in this very room" Brian finally answered which made me die of laughter.

After 20 minutes of literally just talking between us, Freddies mom gave a photo album to Mary, I knew that album, me and Freddie used to decorate it and write some silly notes around our pictures such as memories together or dreams that we had, as we grew older we lost interest in that album and I had completely forgotten about it until now. Freddie left the room instantly and started playing the piano, not wanting to see or hear our reactions to his baby pictures.

Roger stood up from his place and walked towards the place I was sitting in, he placed himself in between me and Brian with the excuse that he wanted to see the pictures but couldn't from his place, so he stood there literally inches away from me. The last time we were this close was when we were about to kiss, the thought about it made my heart start beating ridiculously fast. I turned my body to the left to look at him, he wasn't looking back at me, instead he looked at the closed photo album. "Let's see these baby pictures already!" He exclaimed taking the album in his hands and crouching down allowing me, John and Brian to look at it.

He opened the album, the first pictures made me want to die in that exact moment, it was of me and Freddie, I was about one year old and Freddie was maybe five or four, the problem about that picture? We were both in a bathtub with bubbles around us... completely naked. I reached for the album trying to close it but Roger stood up and raised it making it impossible for me to reach it. "Wait, was that-" "Andrea and Freddie?" John asked cutting Brian off. I could feel my cheeks burning, this had to be the most embarrassing moment in my existence on earth, the whole band saw my one year old baby picture naked, ROGER had seen my naked baby picture. I WANTED TO DIE!

I started jumping up and down trying to snatch the album from Rogers hands. The whole room was laughing, even Freddies dad. "Roger Taylor, give it back!" I yelled laughing, obviously embarrassed. He kept raising the album in the air nearly touching the ceiling. "Roger!" I screamed at him, this time I wasn't laughing. He gave me a devilish smile and handed me the album. "I would like to hear you scream that later tonight" Roger whispered to me which made my cheeks flushed so bad that I literally turned into a tomato. I hit his arm playfully while rolling my eyes. "You wish" I muttered to him.

"Guys, John Reid just called" Freddie said entering the dining room, I was so caught up trying to get the album back that I didn't even notice that Freddie had been in a phone call. "John Reid?" John asked. "He looks after Elton John" Freddie answered making us all hang at the edge of our seats when the name 'Elton John' came up. "He saw us recording our album and heard our demo." Freddie added, my heart literally beating out of my rib cage. "He wants to meet us and possibly even manage us." Freddie finally said. "OH MY GOD!" I exclaimed trying to contain myself from jumping up and down once again. Us five, the band, shared a look, each of us taking this information in, they all had sparks in their eyes. We were going to make it, Queen was going to make it.

After celebrating with a bottle of Moët, Roger leaned towards me and whispered in my ear. "What are you doing later?" He asked. "Homework" I responded quickly avoiding eye contact. I truly didn't want to hang out at the moment with a guy who had just seen my baby me naked.
Im backkkkkkk

QUEEN // Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now