Angry Lizard... (12)

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John Reid told us that he wanted to meet us in a coffee shop, so there we were, sitting in a table, not only waiting for John Reid but also waiting for Freddie. We were used to him showing up late but that didn't mean we were okay with Freddie being late every single time.

"He is late, again!" Brian exclaimed taking a sip of his tea. "We should add a sixth rule, if Freddie is late one more time we are kicking him out" Roger scoffed. "We can't kick him out" I responded. "And why not?" He answered back. "Well I don't know, MAYBE because his vocal range is so wide and unique." I responded sarcastically at him but when I said it it sounded more rude than I expected it to sound but I couldn't help it, there was no way I would allow them to kick Freddie out, he was my best friend. "Wow, someone is in a bad mood." John said rolling his eyes at me, I completely ignored him and took a sip of my coffee. "Andrea, don't worry, we are not kicking Freddie out." Brian added trying to calm me down. "Of course you are not" I answered, gosh why was I in such a bad mood? I had left the guys speechless, I hadn't given them any attitude until now. "I'm sorry guys, I guess i'm nervous and a bit pissed because Freddie is late... again" I said giving them an apologetic look.
"You don't have to be, he's here." Roger said looking at the door behind me, I turned around and my eyes set on Freddie. He was wearing a white jacket, which in my opinion was ridiculous.

"Wow" Brian said looking at Freddie. "Wanker" I mumbled loud enough for Freddie to hear. "Don't you think you overdressed Freddie?" Brian asked as Freddie took his seat. "I've got to make an impression darling." Freddie responded as a justification. "You look like an angry lizard" I said to Freddie not even looking at him twice. "She's in a bad mood isn't she?" Freddie said pointing his finger at me. "Yes she is." Roger, John and Brian answered in unison. I rolled my eyes at them. "Are you going to fly away?" John asked touching Freddies jacket. "Really subtle" Brian added. "Can I borrow it for Sunday church?" Roger asked.

Out of nowhere a man with a suit pulled a chair and sat in our table, we all figured out that he was John Reid. "So this is Queen" He said. "And you must be Freddie Mercury." He added pointing at Freddie. "You've got a gift, you all have... So tell me, what makes Queen any different from all of the other wannabe rockstars I meet." John Reid asked. I breathe in and out beforehand answering. "I'll tell you what it is, we are five weirdos who don't belong together playing for the other weirdos, the outcasts, right at the back of the room who are pretty sure they don't belong either." I said literally putting my heart and my thoughts out there. "We belong to them." Freddie added.
John Reid seemed surprised by our response, in a good way. He seemed intrigued by our words. "We are a family" Brian said and look at me smiling, and I smiled back letting all my anger fly away.

Another man approached the table bringing John Reid a cup of tea. "Paul Prenter, meet Queen..." Reid said pointing towards us. "Our new signing." Reid added, I shared a look with the band, they seemed as excited as me but we tried to play it cool.

We were now leavings the coffee shop, still not believing that we were going to have a manager. He promised us a performance on BBC and a promotional tour in Japan which was unbelievable, well for me at least.

"I can't believe this is happening." John said looking down at his feet. We were outside the coffee shop talking about what had just happened. "Believe it darling, because Queen is about to blow up" Freddie said slapping slightly Johns' cheeks. "Well, i'm gonna go home, see you later guys" Brian said walking away. "So are we, John is going to drop me off at my house." Freddie said leaving me and Roger alone.

"Do you want to take a walk? I don't feel like going home right now" Roger asked me stretching out his hand for me to take it, which I did. We started walking along the Tower Bridge just joking around. "Is there any way in which I can get your baby picture? you know the one where-" "I know which picture you're talking about Roger, and no, there's no way." I said cutting him off. "C'mon Andrea, it's the cutest picture ever." He said literally begging. "Sorry, you're not getting that picture" I said in between laughs, I was still embarrassed about it.

We started talking about music and lyrics that we wanted to use for songs,  he told me about one song that he had in mind for a long time called 'Some day, One day'
"The song is about a guy who can't be together with the woman he loves even though he thinks the feeling is mutual, as if they need some sort of approval or something but the guy has hope that some day, one day they can be together." Roger said to me and stopped walking looking straight into my eyes searching for a reaction, I was speechless, I had no idea Roger had a soft side, the Roger I knew liked to make sarcastic comments, flirt with every girl that got into his way and played the drums like a lunatic; but this Roger was a completely different person, I was in shocked with how much I underrated him, and for the first time I looked at him as something more than a fuckboy because he was truly so much more than that. "So... what do you think?" Roger said noticing that I had lost myself in my thoughts. "I think is the best lyrics idea i've ever heard, I can't wait to heart it Rog" I said to him and meant every single. "Rog?" He asked tilting his head to the right. "Is it okay if I call you that?" I asked him and he smiled at me. "You can call me whatever you want"
Ugh probably the worst chapter of them ALL

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