WeDnEsDaY afternoon

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Baldi was now teaching his youngest class. 'Playtime' and 'Player' were actually there, along with some other kids. These kids' ages ranged from 10-11.

Baldi smiled at them. He did like this class.

'Hi class! Welcome to your favorite subject!! Math!!' He said, as he always did.

The class had some smiles and some giggles but they settled down and the lesson went on. Baldi set them some fairly simple math and they got on with it.

Soon enough the lesson finished. The class was dismissed, and Baldi started marking all the children that he had taught today, as he had no class to teach on the 4th period. To his surprise, most children did really well! He was pleased. He sat back and waited for lunch, when he'd be able to talk to Kennith again.

Time skip brought to you by lazy author

The 4th period bell rang, and shortly after there was a burst of footsteps and chatter rushing in the halls. Baldi got up and waited outside his doorway. For once in his life all the happy chatter of the children made him feel better. He smiled. Kennith wasn't there yet, but he'd probably be at the other end of the hall or trying to eat his lunch at lightning speed without choking.

Somewhere nearby, Raphael pushed a younger kid over. The younger kid had green and white hair. Baldi noticed this and called Raphael over. He reluctantly obeyed.

'Now, why are you doing that? I think we should have a talk with Ke- The Principal about this.' Baldi said sternly.

Raphael shrugged. 'Yeah like I care.' He said.

Baldi took him by the arm to Kennith's office and knocked on the door. Kennith came and opened the door to let them in.

'Hi!' Kennith said.

Baldi went in with Raphael and sat him down on a chair.
'He's been picking on younger kids all day.' Baldi said.
Kennith looked at Raphael.
'Why are you doing that? Your parents will hear about this one.' He said.
Raphael shrugged.
'Yeah whatever,' He said as he got up and left the room, seeming to disappear into the crowd of students.
Kennith shook his head and sighed.
'I'm really not sure what we're meant to do with him. We should tell his parents to speak to a... to a doctor?'
Baldi laughed slightly. A small blush spread across Kennith's face.
'If you think that'd work, then by all means.' Baldi replied.
Baldi took a seat in front of Kennith and looked into his 'eyes' which had always fascinated him. Kennith looked right back, his blush becoming more and more noticeable. Their faces moved slightly closer until...

Knock knock

They snapped back to reality. Kennith got up to answer the door.
'Argh I'm so stupid I could've taken my chance right then!' He thought.
At the door was Playtime holding a broken jumprope, crying, and Player was right next to her.
Baldi got up and looked at them.

'Let me guess, Raphael?' He said.
Playtime and Player nodded slightly.
Baldi growled a little bit.
'Ignore him for now, sweethearts. He's going to be having a little chat with us and his parents this Friday~'
Playtime and Player nodded, and walked away, to look for some supplies to fix the jumprope.
'That kid.... I swear to fucking god if he does one more thing today...' Baldi said.
'I wonder if the English teacher, Baldina knows about this too' Kennith queried.

Both Kennith and Baldi hated Baldina. Baldina had a MASSIVE crush on Baldi and changed her name to be more like him. Despite this, she was a great teacher.

'We should go and see' Baldi said.

I hope you're enjoying it so far! Sorry for the cliffhanger I'll try to write more later on~

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