Chapter {2}

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Hello, my name is doctor Ava Paige...W.I.C.K.E.D...We call it Flare...It's too late...Aria.

My eyes snapped open, met instantly with nothing but pure darkness through which soft snoring of boys was audible. My breathing came out ragged, as if something pushed my lungs down and forbade the desperate need for air I felt that left an intense burning sensation course through my body. Shut to the outside world, my ears rang as I felt like a trickle of blood seeped down them. Of course, as I lifted my hand to inspect it, I haven't found a single trace of red liquid, that only made me draw to a conclusion it was the temporary shock.

It felt cold, despite the warmness of my sheets, shivers ran along my spine enveloping me in beds of cold that rose goosebumps on my arms. It was partly that, but what most probably affected me in some way was the empty space next to me. I found it with messed sheet and the pillow somewhere on the floor but aside that I couldn't feel Thomas' arms around me anymore, nor his even breathing that quietly rustled through messy strands of my hair.

Pushing myself up, squeezing my eyes shut every time the bed squeaked after my moves I leaned onto the darkness of wall beside me and stared. At empty space of the room, at my cold fingers, at what was a track of light somewhere from above.

Thoughts ran wild in my mind. As if nothing could provide a relief from them I thought about the life of all those innocent Gladers. Chris...where was he? Did his life end as it did of his best friend? Imagining what I could of the last time I've seen him, I found it was when he had helped us fight Gally's decision. When he handed me that machete and left with us.

"Aria?" My thoughts dispersed at Minho's whispering, leading to no answer whatsoever as seconds later I saw his figure approach and sit down next to me. "What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep." I muttered sadly, avoiding his gaze that surely must've eyed me. He let out a quick breath as if laughing silently to both our fates of sleepless night.

"You're thinking about it. I mean the Glade and all that. You miss it, don't you?" Minho whispered, continuing despite the silence he has been getting as an answer from me.

"Yeah..." I let my voice trail off as a broken down look not visible in darkness crossed my tired features.

"We're safe here, alright?" Minho grabbed my shoulder to give it comforting squeeze as I inhaled a shaky breath. "No matter what they say about you, keep in mind we don't consider you a bad person."

I finally turned toward him, to see two brown eyes gazed back and black hair even darker in dim room. "Okay, I'm done with sentimental stuff and off to bed. Night, Aria." Minho patted my shoulder once more, dragging himself toward the empty space between two bunks as his quite slow footsteps faded into still silence before I heard squeaking of another bed.

I felt a tiny bit better, torn between still thinking about what Minho said and smiling lightly. I shivered as a wave of cold air trickled between my fingers and through light jeans I've been given after the shower, returning into a laying position with my front facing the wall. It still felt a little cold, due to previous exposure to slightly colder air that enveloped the room without any heating, just as same nights in the Glade.

As a wave of sleep finally closed my eyes, I let my senses stay awake for a little longer as I heard some distant clattering and as somebody lay next to me, pulling me closer to them. Slowly the person whispered something inaudible, and letting the world around me fall into darkness with their calming words, I fell asleep.

Boring cycle that like yesterday repeated. Breakfast, treatment, more waiting. It seemed never ending, dragging along with us as in grayness of that building, not a trace of daylight was visible that left me wondering what time of the day was. All until the guards let us know it was dinner time.

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