Chapter {14}

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Land speeded by in whirlwind of colors, one time a mixture of brown and burned the other only sand and hills of orange stone tearing up into the sky. The road was far too blurry to see anything, aside a yellow cracked line in its middle going further on into the red sunset behind the ongoing mountains. I leaned in my seat, watching the outside world change abruptly from one form into the other, a small smile plastered on my lips and happiness bubbling as a realisation that soon enough we would be free slowly sunk in.

Besides me Thomas smiled gleefully, for the first time after the horrors of Scorch I saw him that way, happy and carefree as his hand played with mine, drawing shapes over the skin of my knuckles. He stared at his front, through the dusty rearview in black and gray still a smile never letting him sink down.

The road went on and on, every fork Jorge had skillfully driven showing less and less of now orange sunlight, more a grayish glint sinking toward the cloudless sky, aside a few whiffs of white which began dispersing as it got darker. Mountains began building ahead, much better visibility of them with passing miles as eventually we sunk beneath boulders of hills, hidden in both faint green and rather sad brown, the upcoming road braced in their shadow. The reveal which we faced settled rather heavily between us- the road was packed with abandoned cars, forbidding any further travel the last few miles we still needed to count down, eventually forcing Jorge to kill the engine as he abandoned the vehicle with us in tow.

His hand glided against the door of our car, his face scrunched in deep thought which led him to turn to us again. "Well, I guess we're on foot." He commented absently, grazing the sight his eyes had sadly fallen to the rocky path ahead of us, the vehicles which blocked us out carelessly strewn about. The man started marching ahead, here and there pulling out an old, thready blanket or some plastic bottles which had began to dissolve slowly.

"This is a trap," Devon whispered to Nico and I, gripping and undoing a plastic button on a small container, throwing it back into the front seat of a green colored car second later, its pain faded and windshield broken. "And I know you both know that." Her voice was strong, unlike the one that spoke to me before the rescue we condoned.

"We're not Cranks, Devon. They wouldn't kill us." Nico stated, challenge audible in his voice.

I shot him a sharp look, his shoulders easing with a careless shrug before he turned away from us. "Nico's right, Dev, have a little faith." I said calmly, sensing her being getting rather tense from besides me as she let out a snort in return to ease the tension. Just then, some low rumbling of stone rolling down a hill echoed, after it the ringing sound of a gun as loud and clear as daylight which reverberated off of the metal constructions of cars.

Devon grabbed my arm, pulling us both behind a car, a shield from deadly power of bullets. Soon enough they stopped ringing in my ears, certain amount of relief settling inside my head as Devon gave me a sarcastic smile, mocking what I had told her right before annonymus people (Right Arm, if my presumption was correct) began shooting on us.

"Everyone okay out there?" Thomas shouted loudly behind a car right in front of us.

"We're fine." Teresa yelled back.

"Anyone knows where those bloody shots came from?" Newt questioned rather loudly, unable to give him back an answer as more shooting cut off my words and thoughts, one bullet smashing through the window on our right side.

"I told you it was a trap!" Devon yelled out from besides me, only so I'd be able to hear her above the sounds of still ringing bullets. She looked above the hood of her car, I following her gaze briefly to a sight of cavern. Yet as my eyes returned to my front, a straight, black piece of metal was pointed at my head; woman's hand which held it tightly never dropping her iron grip on it.

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