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When a ship wrecks off the coast of Singapore, a ship 300 years out of time SHIELD is of course called in, and when SHIELD gets stumped they call the Avengers, which is why when Pietro wakes he finds Tony nose deep in his tablet, working, Pietro groans and sits up and rubs at his eyes clearing the sleep from them.

"What's going on?" Pietro asks around a yawn, Tony glances to him.

"Shipwreck in Singapore" Tony answers. "Fury called; wants us to check it out"

"So a shipwrecks on the coast and we're called in?" Pietro asks leaning against his soul mate, Tony as he looks over the photos from the scene.

"Yeah" Tony answers and then hands the tablet to Pietro who takes it, Tony kisses his shoulder as Pietro raises an eyebrow. "Because the ship is from the 1700's" Tony points out. "As far as they can tell....it's authentic, and some of the things they've found are no longer produced anywhere in the world" Pietro looks to him. "So what does that mean?" Tony asks him.

"Someone went to a lot of work to recreate it" Pietro offers, Tony shakes his head. "Time travel" Pietro offers. Tony shrugs.

"That's what they are thinking....especially" Tony swipes at the screen bringing up a video. "Given the survivor's accounts, what they can make sense of any way" Tony presses play, Pietro watches a live feed of a brunette woman in a guarded hospital room. "Says her name is Jack Sparrow" Tony answers kissing along Pietro's shoulder. Pietro tries to keep his eyes on the screen. "SHIELD sent in historical experts to check out her clothing, and it all checks out, genuine articles"

"So....it's really time travel" Pietro whispers watching Jack pace her cell in her hospital gown. She doesn't seem happy about it at all.

"So it seems" Tony agrees taking the tablet from him. "We're heading out in a few hours" Pietro smirks a little looking to Tony.

"I'm pretty sure we don't have time for that" Pietro argues, Tony smirks back and shrugs.


Pietro pulls on his jacket as the other Avengers do the same, they're not really going suited up, it's just a recon, information gathering, the suits prove to be intimidating and usually inspire violence. Weapons and suits are packed away and taken with them just in case, but for now civilian clothing is chosen.

"Wait, are we really going with time travel?" Bruce asks looking around the room. "That's....reasonable to you guys, this isn't just some history nut with too much time on her hands?"

"Did you read the report?" Tony asks.

"I skimmed" Bruce admits as Natasha smirks. "I got....distracted"

"So did I but I still read it" Pietro comments glancing to Tony who winks back.

"My point is that some of the stuff they found on that beach, on her, cannot be reproduced in this day and age, it's authentic, from the 1700s...." Tony explains.

"There was a storm" Thor points out approaching, he holds up a tablet to show them a satellite picture. "That night, bigger then anything they've ever seen, but it was over in a matter of minutes, and it just appeared out of nowhere, no build up" he motions to the weather map, as it turns out, reading storms is something Thor excels at. "It's unnatural"

"Magical?" Thor's soul mate, Jane asks taking the tablet.

"Possibly" Thor answers. "Maybe the storm had something to do with this...."

"Time storm?" Darcy asks stood with Loki, her other half.

"Time storm?" Loki asks back amused.

"Historical ships turns up after freaky storm..." Darcy explains. "How is that not a time storm?" Loki smirks back at her.

"For now all we're doing is checking out the wreck and talking to this...Jack woman" Steve comments. "Jane, Tony and Bruce are in charge, of course, of scientific recovery, the rest of us are on the heavy lifting"

"Who's taking to the pirate?" Bucky teases, Steve shoots his soul mate a look back, Bucky shrugs.

"Maybe one of you should" Natasha offers. "If this is time travel, talking to someone who went through something similar. Like a super soldier that went to sleep in the 40's and woke up in 2010" Steve sighs a little but nods, he sees her point.

"Pietro" Steve states and the Maximoff boy looks to him. "You'll come with me, you have a....friendly air about you" Pietro smirks and nods.


Tony and Bruce share a look and then look out over the vast amount of wreckage from the shipwreck. Bucky pulls a face and shares a look Thor who shrugs. Jane pulls up the data on her tablet as Darcy unlocks their box of science tricks.

"Man, we should have brought Shuri along" Bruce complains.

"Seconded" Bucky grumbles. "Where do you want to start?" Bucky asks looking to Jane who flicks through the pages of data.

"Bottom up?" she asks looking to Tony and Bruce who both nod.

"Bottom up" Tony

"Is that what you say to Maximoff?" Clint asks smirking, Tony and Wanda turn to shoot him a dirty look. "What?" Clint asks innocently. "It's okay when Stark does it, but I can't crack a filthy joke?"

"Let's just get started before someone gets hurt" Bruce pulls attention back to the job at hand.

"Is that what you say to Romanoff?" Tony jokes, Clint shoots him a look as Tony chuckles.

"How is that fair?" Clint complains.


Steve and Pietro walk through the hospital corridor towards Jack's room, Steve turns to the speedster.

"Remember she's not a prisoner or a...enemy" Steve reminds him. "She's a victim and an informant, we need to go slow, gain her trust"

"Okay" Pietro nods, Steve's been training Pietro to be a better agent, he's shown an interest in interview techniques.

"Usually they will give away something that they're protective of, or someone....use that, offer them protection...." Pietro nods and takes a breath, Steve opens the hospital room door and then pauses. "Where is she?" Steve asks looking into the empty hospital room, Pietro peers in and then shrugs. Steve heads back down the hall to the nurses station, where the SHIELD guards had been when they arrived, he will be telling Fury that they'd left their post to talk to women, that will be noted, especially as Jack has escaped. 

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