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Jack knows that Tony promised to find away to get her back to her own time, but the longer she is stuck in this age the less hope she has that it will happen. So she sets herself up to catch up on the history of this world, from the moment she left to the moment she arrived. It's not pretty. In fact, she's upset by it. The world she knew, the world she loved, is unrecognisable to her. Pietro sits on the end of Jack's bed watching the tv across from him. Jack's barely left her room since they came back, opting to stay curled up and drinking so Tony and Pietro have been trying to keep her happy, keep her company, they both know that her choice is a hard one to make. She sits up a little and lingers at his side before resting her head against his shoulder, curling up into his side. He wraps an arm around her and rests his head on the top of hers. She hums a little relaxing into his embrace. She's found that Tony is likely to hand her a drink and pat her on the head whilst Pietro is the physical comforter. She nuzzles under his jaw and he frowns a little and turns to her. She kisses him. Pietro pauses only a moment before he is kissing her back. His fingers threading through her hair to hold her close to him.

"What are you doing?" He asks her when she pulls away. She shrugs.

"Wanted to see" she whispers sadly and then falls back onto her backside with a sigh. He watches her sadly and then sits beside her.

"Jack" she looks to him. "This world, it's not that bad" he assures her. "I know you've been on the internet and watching tv a lot these last few days and you've seen some of the things that's happened....but there are good people out there" she looks towards him.

"Like you?" she asks, he nods and shrugs.

"I think so" he answers. "And Tony" he adds, she hums and lays down to curl around her pillow, a position she's been familiar with for days now. Pietro touches her shoulder and then kisses her head before standing and leaving her alone.


Pietro finds Tony is his lab sat in front of his computer typing away, he looks exhausted, his head resting in his hand as he tries to stay awake. Pietro touches his shoulder.

"You'll burn yourself out" Pietro scolds sitting in Tony's lap, Tony sighs and presses his forehead to the speedster's shoulder, nuzzling in slightly.

"She wants to go home" Tony points out. "The longer she's here, the longer she's away from her home, I can see it, Pie, the way she is..."

"I know" Pietro agrees looking to him. "She's so sad" he sighs and then nods. "She kissed me" Pietro admits. "I think she was, I don't know, looking for something" he looks down. "I don't think she found it" Tony pulls him closer and kisses his cheek.

"She's homesick" Tony offers. "She's lost, out of sorts and out of time, it's not your fault, it's not anything you did.." Pietro nods and leans into Tony's chest.

"I hate seeing her like that" he whispers, Tony nods.

"Yeah, why do you think I've been hiding down here" Tony offers. "It's just easier then seeing the pain in her eyes....and knowing I can't fix it" Pietro nods his head in agreement. Seeing their soulmate suffering is hard for them. Every part of them aching to be close to her and to comfort her, but they're just reminders that she's not in her own time. And even if she did go home, back to her time, then she will be alone because her soulmates are here. It's conflict for her.

"We should throw a party" Pietro points out.

"The solution to all life's problems" Tony teases, Pietro snorts.

"I'm being serious" he leans up to turn to Tony. "We can make it a theme one, we can make it pirate themed, traditional drinks and costumes" Tony smiles softly, Pietro frowns. "What?" he asks, Tony shakes his head a little. "You don't think she'll like it?" Tony shrugs.

"I think she will..." he answers, but he doesn't know, honestly whether she will or not. "Let's just give her a few days to even out a little" Pietro nods and sighs. Tony hates seeing Pietro this lost too. He wants to make Jack happy and he can't. Neither of them can.


Tony wraps the blanket around Jack as she sleeps, she hums a little turning slightly towards him.

"Tony?" she asks as she wakes, he hums a little laying next to her, his fingers brushing through her hair. "I'm sorry" he frowns a little.

"What for?" he counters lifting her chin.

"I'm sorry this isn't easier" she admits. "That it's not simple"

"Sweetheart, nothing in my life has been easy" he argues. "Why should this be any different?" he shifts closer to her. "Me and Pietro used to be on opposite sides" he admits. "We fought against one another....now look at us" he strokes her hair. "Nothing worth anything is easy" he offers, she hums a little as Pietro climbs into the other side of the bed and curls into Jack's back, his arm curling around her waist, Tony and Jack share a look before he ducks slightly and kisses her softly. Pietro's lips find her shoulder and she sighs relaxing into them both, letting her soulmates wrap her up in them.

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