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Jack peers around the corner and wrinkles her nose. They'd taken her stuff, her hat, her gun, her sword and left her in this....sheet thing that barely covers her ass. The hall around the corner is empty, so she makes a break for it. She's confused as hell. Everything around her is beeping or making noise of some kind. But once she is free of this prison she'll consider what is going on with her, she's even considered that this is a trick of the Locker. But she has to escape first.


Steve leans closer to the security monitor and tap a screen seeing Jack stumbling through the corridor.

"What floor is that?" he asks, the security guard makes a note of the screen.

"Ortho" he answers. "5th, two floors up" Steve turns and leaves the security room, Pietro waiting outside for him.

"Come on" Steve tells him, Pietro follows after him as Steve heads towards the stairwell, the elevator will be too slow for them.


Jack places her hand on the wall as she walks through the corridor, her balance slightly off with the sedative they'd jabbed her with when she freaked out upon first waking. The stairwell door opens and a wall of blonde muscle steps out followed by a smaller man, silver hair a mess on the top of his head. The blonde tries to catch her eye and when he gets it he offers her a calm, welcoming smile.

"Jack?" he asks stepping closer to her, she shifts and takes a step back from him. "I'm not going to hurt you" he assures her but it does nothing to sooth her. "Look we just want to make sure you're okay"

"Sorry, mate" she comments. "You understand a little bit of healthy caution when it comes to strangely muscular men that...may or may not have seen my arse" she shrugs a little holding her hands out at her side.

"I didn't see it" he quickly tells her, she pulls a face and shrugs.

"I don't know what you want with me but I'm telling you now, you are not going to get it..." She glances around a little, looking for an escape, she finds it in an open window.

"We just want to make sure you're okay" Pietro assures her. "You found on a beach...." Jack glances away again. The Pearl. That is the last thing she remembers. Steering her beloved ship through a storm, wild winds, whipping rains. And then she woke up here. She shakes her head and moves to the window, Pietro and Steve step closer as she peers down below, this is her only way to escape, jumping. She takes a breath. "You'll hurt yourself, sweetheart" Pietro tells her, she smirks and glances back to him.

"You're forgetting one very important thing, love" she counters, he raises an eyebrow back. "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow" she tells the and then lets herself fall out of the window, Pietro and Steve run to the open window to watch her land in the garbage below with a small cheer. "And that was without even a lick of rum" she comments to herself and then climbs to her feet before running away, Pietro gapes a little.

"Did she really just do that?" he asks looking to Steve who nods, they share a look before they both hurry away.


Tony sits frowning at a piece of the shipwreck as his cell phone rings, he pulls it from his pocket and answers it.

"Pie" he greets.

"Jack escaped the hospital and is now on the run"

"I thought she was a victim" Tony mumbles setting his phone between his ear and his shoulder, his hand picking up a tablet.

"Yeah, well, now they think cause she ran she has something to hide...I think she's just freaking out" Tony hums a little in agreement. "Me and Steve are heading out to you" Pietro offers.

"Good" Tony counters. "There is so much to go through here and we've barely even scratched the surface..."


Jack looks around the parking lot, confused, her head starting to hurt with it all. She leans against the metal cart next to her and rubs her head before peering inside, it looks comfy enough, maybe a good place to hide. She tests the handle on the door and finds it unlocked, she raises an eyebrow and looks around before climbing in, closing the door behind her.


Pietro walks with Steve as they leave the hospital, Steve sliding his sunglasses over his eyes as they head towards the SHIELD SUV.

"Banner is actually napping, he is actually asleep...." Tony complains down the phone to them. "Banner, get up!!"

"We'll be there soon" Steve tells him and then nods to Pietro who hangs up and pushes his phone into his pocket. They both climb into the same SUV Jack had.


Jack curls around herself under the blanket in the trunk, okay, getting in this thing was a mistake. She should of just kept going, but she's tired and cold. Though as the SUV pulls out she finds herself calmed and soothed by the rocking vibrating of the car. She takes a soft breath and starts to fall asleep.


Jack can't have been asleep long but when she wakes she feels a little better, she stretches a little and then sits up rubbing her head. She looks to the front where Pietro and Steve sit.

"Hello, darlings" she greets, Pietro screams a little clutching his chest as Steve snaps his head around to her.

"Jack?!" Steve scolds slamming his foot on the break, the SUV skidding to a stop. She leans on the back of the seats and smirks a little. "How did you get in here? When did you get in here?"

"I just climbed in" she answers. "Back there....I was tired" Pietro pants, leaning on his knees. Jack glances between them both.

"Okay" Steve offers looking around at the empty road, glad it was empty. "Okay" he repeats and then looks to her. "Sit here" Steve points to the seats behind him, Jack watches him a moment before doing as he says. She adjusts the hospital gown and then looks around.

"What's thing called anyway?" she asks poking at the window control on the door. "It's like a cart...but metal...where's the horse?"

"It's a car" Pietro offers as she watches the window rise and fall. "No horses" she shrugs a little and looks to him.

"So where are we going?" she asks and smiles at them, Steve and Pietro share a look, Steve sighs as Pietro smirks a little. 

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