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Jack, now dressed in jeans and a deep red button up shirt, her pirate boots, sits outside of the warehouse where her beloved Pearl lays in pieces, she can't go back in there. Her adult life has been all about that ship. She scratches at her face and lets out a sigh. The door slams open behind her as Tony pushes his way out backwards, box in arms as he turns to head towards the car in front of Jack, the door shuts by the time he notices her.

"You okay?" Tony asks looking to Jack who nods, he raises an eyebrow back at him unbelieving her. He sets the box in the car before turning back to her. Now he can get a good look at her he takes note of the tattoos, the jewellery, even in the modern change of clothing she'd kept them on. He can see part of a brand on her arm too, not a tattoo brand but a real hot poker brand. "What's that off?" Tony asks motioning to the brand as he steps closer, Jack places her hand over where brand is and looks to him.

"Pirate" she answers and pushes her sleeve up to reveal the rest of the brand, a permanent P marked into her skin. "Before they started hanging; they branded us instead" Tony steps closer to her, she shrugs and pulls her sleeve back down to cover her arm. They both fall silent, listening to the work going on in the warehouse behind them. Jack looks down plucking at a loose thread of denim on her knee.

"You sure you're okay?" Tony asks her again, she looks back to him.

"Guess it's all catching up" Jack mumbles. "Never figured I'd actually be the last; hoped for it....Captain Jack Sparrow: The last pirate....but for it to actually happen" she whispers brushing her hands through her hair.

"We still have pirates" Tony corrects her. "Just they're a little different now" she raises an eyebrow at him. "To us now, you and your kin..it was all drink, plunder and raid" he offers faking a pirate accent, she smirks at him.

"Aye" she agrees. "That sounds right...."

"Pirates now are more....kill, steal, kidnap"

"Oh" she whispers and looks down. "I mean...we killed too, and aye, we stole, and there was this one time..." she starts looking up at him with a smirk. Tony smirks back. "We did drink a lot" she offers. Pietro looks side to side before crossing the road and jogging through the warehouse gates, with the teams help he's learnt to slow down, to control his speed better. He smiles seeing Tony and Jack sat together, talking. Something about seeing the two of them makes him happy. Tony smiles back seeing him, Jack waves her fingers as he approaches them.

"Here" Pietro offers pulling a bottle of rum from the paper bag, Jack smirks and reaches out for it, Pietro smirks and sets it into her hand. "Go easy on it though, it's a long drive back" Jack opens the bottle and takes a heavy swig before cringing and leaning over the side of her legs to spit it out.

"That is not rum" she complains as the liquid drips down her chin onto the concrete next to her and then gags.

"300 years, Jack" Tony points out. "Things change" she crinkles her nose and glares at the bottle. "It's not as dangerous to drink it now, better ingredients and filtering systems" Tony teases as he stands. Jack wipes at her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I'll grab another box" Pietro offers.

"And your sister. Then we'll hit the road" Tony counters touching his hand, Pietro smiles back at him. Jack glances up at them. It's so easy to see, the way they look at one another, soulmates. Jack has a soulmate brand. A tattoo that they're born with, one of a set, the other one on their other half. Jack's is a pair of sparrows, it's why she chose her last name, the little red and blue birds a constant reminder that she hadn't met her other half, probably never will now. Pietro heads back into the warehouse. Tony glances to Jack as she touches her ribs, he turns away and heads to the car. Wanda leave the warehouse pulling on her jacket as Tony climbs into the car, Jack pulls on her captain's hat letting it cover her eyes. Wanda smiles reassuringly at Jack who nods back as she climbs into the car, her hands shaking as she does, betraying her lack of nerve at this world. Tony's fiddling with the dials on the radio, soft rock pours from the speakers. He glances to Jack as she settles behind him before he turns back to the front of the car. Wanda climbs in next to Jack. "Time to go home, Friday" Tony states pulling up his phone as Wanda smiles softly at Jack, Pietro climbs in and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Plotting route" the car tells them, Jack's eyes widen.

"What kind of witchcraft is this?!" Jack yells leaning between the two men to poke at the dashboard. Wanda can't help but chuckle at Jack's side as Pietro and Tony share a look over the pirate.

"Not magic" Tony pushes her back gently with a smirk. "Technology" Jack pulls a face and raises an eyebrow at Pietro who nods.

"Don't worry, some times I don't understand it either" he assures her. Tony shoots him a look, Pietro gives him one back. Jack pulls her bottle of rum to her lips, despite her declaration that it's not real rum, and drinks, a lot of it, swallowing it down greedily before pulling the bottle away. All of this is weird. Too weird. This is taking some adjusting too. How far this world is from her own. The years changing it beyond recognition.

"Jack?" Wanda asks quietly, Jack glances to her. "It's okay to be upset" Wanda assures her. "I would be too if I woke up in a strange place, with strange people......this far from the world you know"

"It's just another adventure" Jack counters turning away to look out the window. "And adventures are always exciting" she adds. But in truth she is terrified. And aware that everyone she used to know is long dead. And yet she has to adjust to everything around her. 

The Sparrow (Soul Mate)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz