Chapter 9

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I'm surprised to see Ms

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I'm surprised to see Ms. Blake when she walks into our physics class. Mr. Harris had been absent for a few days, which was wildly out of character, but seeing her appearance in our class still strikes me as odd. 

"As you all know Mr. Harris is still missing," She starts, but then corrects herself with a laugh, "I mean sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay so let's get started, shall we?"

    After a few minutes of reading through the textbook, Ms. Blake comes up and places a stack of papers on my desk. I read over the first few lines to see it is the research assignment on telluric currents Danny had been working on last week for Mr. Harris.

"I heard that Danny is out sick today. I thought that you would be able to get this to him?" She says with a smile and walks back to her desk.

    I read over that paper, seeing that as I predicted, Mr Harris did not approve of the topic. In big red letters he wrote, "I strongly advise you choose another subject. The ideas here, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudoscience not suitable for class." Wildly more interested in this than I am with the textbook, I look over Danny's work. Passages about the telluric currents in Beacon Hills grab my attention. They read:

    Evidence of telluric currents in Beacon hills has been a recent scientific discovery.

Theoretical Geologist Jonathan Knopp writes in his paper on Northwestern Telluric Currents, "Beacon Hills contains the most elaborate and complex lines of telluric currents discovered in recent years. Currents flow through the town itself, but accumulate in the forest just adjacent a local cemetery" (Knopp 2010). Knopp also goes on to claim that if these currents were to be amplified, the resulting energy would be astronomical. For this reason Beacon Hills has been coined "The Beacon of the Northwest."

    Stapled onto the back of the report I see Danny has included a map that details the apparent currents flowing through town. I trace them with my fingers, amazed that Danny had done all of this. Before I can go back to reading I feel and hand tapping me on the shoulder. I look over at a wide eyed Stiles, and put the paper down.

"Hey Eleanor," he says, peering over at the paper, "You know Danny and I were actually working on that paper together."

I look down at where the paper says Danny's name, and then back up at Stiles. "Doesn't really look like it," I respond.

"Well, we were, and I would really appreciate it if could take that to him later." Stiles smiles at me, maybe a bit too wide,

"Right, do you mind if I just ask him if that's alright?" I ask, pulling out my phone. Stiles looks like he is desperate to get his hands on this paper, and I am not really in the mood to fight over an assignment.

"Of course, and I'm sure he will say it's alright if I take it to him. Just ask him about that."

    While watching Stiles, who has grabbed the paper off my desk and is reading it, I text Danny to see if he cares if Stiles brings him the assignment. I mention that Harris didn't approve of it anyway.

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