Ch.3- Truth or Dare?

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Andy P.O.V

I was very nervous by the way Lou and the other boys were looking at me.

"Truth." I blurted out. Maybe I should've done a dare so if I didn't want to do the dare I could do the truth. It would make life much easier in this game but me and my big mouth said that instead.

"Truth, eh?" he said thinking for a few seconds then spoke.

"R u gay? If not, then what r u? Don't bother lying because we can tell it when u lie."


"I dare u to answer the question."

"What question?"

"The 'r u gay? If not what r u?' one" he repreated as all of them became closer to me making me feel uncorfortable. "No," I managed to say. They all crept closer. "Lads, give the boys so space," Lou said as Harry left my lap and sat where Lou was sitting. "U don't have to say it aloud, u can whisper it my ear." he said. I thought for a moment but then it came to me that they would know if I was lying. I leant and whispered in to his ear: "I am Bi-" by I was cut off by Lou laughing and falling backwards. "See, it wasn't that hard." he said patting my head like it was nothing as he went to sit on Harry lap.

The game continued for about 2 hours, time flys when u r having fun joking around.

It was like 7:50 PM when Zayn headed up for a shower then Louis and Harry (because of the invitation joke) the last of those boys was Niall. I was planning to take a shower after Niall. Until I heard a...

THUD! "Ow, owwwwwwww." Niam shouted in pain. "Hold on Niall, I'm coming." I heard Lou yell. I opened my door seeing Zayn pounding on down trying to open it while Harry and Louis followed. "Yo, whats going on?" I asked walking up to wards they. The 3 of them looked at me with pleading eyes."Niall-Shower. Door-Locked. Ow-pain." Harry said in a panicked voice. "Don't panic." I turned the door knob a little just to make sure it was locked. I looked all around looking for something sharp, pointy and small. Ah Ha! Bobby pin. "What and learn boys. This is somethin' u wouldn't think of Li-Li doing." they all looked confused for a second. "what do u mean Harry asked. "well young one. Li and I were the trouble some 2! We always caused mischief EVERYWHERE! Most things would be locked so we would find some way to unlock them." I twisted the pin around until I heard a click sound. "Got it!" I pushed opened the door running to the bath tub were there was an object twisted around in the shower curtain with blood trickling down the head. "Ni, what happened?" I asked trying to untangle him when he grabbed my hand to stop me. "Haz, could u come here for second," he said motioning for Haz-I mean Harry to go over to him. He whispered something in to his ear cause him to chuckle. I, on thus other hand, was making a towel damp and patting it on his head. I caught a glimpse of Harry going to Louis and Zayn. They all started to laugh as Harry approached me. "Uh, Papi...can I uh ask u a question? private," before I could even nod he grabbed me by the wrist and brought me to the hallway and shut the bathroom door behind him.

"So, what's up?" trying to break the silence. Harry won't stop staring at the bathroom door. "what?...oh yeah...I was wondering...u probably won't" he paused for a second then spoke again. I could honestly say he was trying to hide something from me. "What did u tell Louis?"

"What? What r u talking about?"

"U know the truth-dare thing from yesterday! What was ur response?"

"I uh..."

"Come on! U can tell me. Please."

"I-I like to keep that information to myself thank u."

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