Ch.7- These are the Moments

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Andy P.O.V

Without thinking, I crept towards Zayn and smashed our lips together. I could here Niall and Harry gasp as Louis continued to laugh really hard.

I broke the kiss to see Zayn with wide eyes staring at me. "So," I said trying to break the silence as I sat back in my seat.

8:00 PM, I stared at my watch. "Is he a good kisser Niall asked Zayn nudging him in the side. "How about u find out urself, Horan." I said as I smashed my lips against his.

There wasn't a huge difference between Zayn and Niall's kiss. Niall's had more of sweeter taste to it, that was the only difference.

Niall was begging for entrance. I let him in as we were making out (or snogging as some may call it) on the couch ignoring the others.

Niall P.O.V

One word: MAGICAL!

I never thought this would happen, I thought Hazza was going to be closer then I was to winning the bet. Hehehehehehehehehehe.

Louis P.O.V

As Andy broke the kiss Niall had the same shocked face Zayn had when Andy kissed him. Now Zayn was laughing just like me as Harry was stilled shocked. Hahahaha.

This has been a good day.

I looked over tothe clock, 8:15 PM. I know it's early but I think I will head to bed now. "Night everyone." I said getting up and heading upstairs. "Night," everyone responded.

Once I got up to my room, I stripped down into my boxers and crawled under the covers.

Little did I know that Harry was following me the entire time.

"Tired Boo?" he said, causing me to jump. I didn't even relies that I was staring right at him. "Haz, where did..." I started. "I've been following u the entire time." he said. "Well ur a sneaky one styles." I said rubbing nose against his. He let a small chuckle. "R u really tired, Boo?" he questioned giving me a puppy dog face (can't say 'no' to that). "No."

"Then why r already in bed?"

"I had nothing else to do."

"oh really?" he said like I was hiding something. I don't think I was hiding anything. There the ones getting all up on Andy, not me. "What?" I simply asked. He raised an eyebrow at me. "What?" I asked again, not having the slightest idea of what was going to happen.

Out of no where, Harry smashed his lips against mine.

He begged for entrance, I let him in as our tongues danced. It was perfect until I opened my eyes to see the room light up.


"Yes boo?"

"Do u see that?"

"See what?"

The thunder began to roar and lighting began to crack. I shivered as the lighting crackled. "It's okay, Boo, I'm right here." he said pulling me close to chest, wrapping his arms around me. "it will be over sooner then u may think."

I felt safer that Harry's arms were around me.

Until I heard...Liam's voice? "Hazza., do u hear that?"

"Yeah, it sounds like Li."

"Let's go see if it's him."


The thunder roared causing me to shiver a bit. "How about we find out in the morning?" he suggested. I nodded getting conformable with his chest.

Zayn P.O.V

It was pretty early to head to bed but I was tired.

"Night mates." I said as I got up from the couch and headed to my room.

I passed Louis & Harry's room. There door was open a little bit. I peeked inside to see both of them in a snogging session.

I quickly ran to my room before anyone could see me.

I flopped onto the bed and let the sleep take over.

Niall P.O.V

Everyone was in bed except for Andy and I. I stared blankly at the tv screen (it was off), trying to think of something to say.

Then I heard Andy yawn. "I think I'm going to bed to." as he got up and left. "night." "night." we said to each other.

Now I was sitting alone, in silence.


The house just lit up, right? Am I seeing things? I probably am.

Then there was a roar of thunder.

No, not a thunder storm. I was not going to end up sleeping through this alone.


Maybe he'll let me sleep with him.

I ran up the stairs and stopped in front of his door.

I open the door a bit. He turned over to see me standing there.

"Niall?" he said in a tired voice, "Is that u?" I felt kinda of embarrassed, but he was Liam's cousin, they don't mind. "Yeah."

"What is it?"

"It just..."

The lighting cut me off as I felt strong arms wrap around me. I shivered ever so slightly. "It's okay Niall." he said rubbing my back and leading me to the bed.

I cuddled up to his chest but I still couldn't sleep. I remembered how Liam would sing to me when I couldn't sleep.



"Can u sing me a song?"


He didn't even argue, just began to sing Moments.

"Shut the door...

turn the lights off...

I wanna be with u...

I wanna feel ur love...

I want to lay beside u...

I can not hide this, even though I try...

Heart beats harder...

Time escapes me...

Trembling hands touch skin it makes this...

Hard girl...

And the tears stream, down my face... "

He sang Liam's part as I fell asleep.


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