Ch.15- Sunny Sundays

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A/N: So sry for the wait! I have had a lot to do since school started. Homework, after school activys, ect. I barely have time to sleep!

Hope u enjoy!

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Andy P.O.V

I heard strange voices in my room as I woke up. I open one eye and looked around the room. A few seconds later, I heard giggles coming from behind me.

I flipped over seeing Niall and Louis laughing silently, Zayn and Harry were watching me closely for some reason. "Can I help u?" I asked them. Harry and Zayn looked over to Niall and Louis ten back to me. "yes." was all I heard Zayn say. "So, what is it?" "What r we doing today?" Harry asked. "Well, two of u have a doctors appointment..." I began looking over at Louis who went dead silent, "...and maybe we can go out to eat after wards, if ur good." they all cheered. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed with them following me.

At 9:30 am, u would think thy would've gotten their own breakfast, but no.

I wondered into the kitchen and flopped onto a stool with Niall and Zayn on one side of me and Louis on the other looking worried with his big black glasses. "Louis?" I snapped him out of a trance, "why so tense? Ur not the one heading to the doctors, neither is Zayn." the room went dead silent, except for Niall who was gulping tea like it was the best thing ever. "What?" I questioned them. "nothing, their fine." Zayn assured me. "well, Niall's appointment is at 1:30 and Harry's is at 2." I said, sipping my cup of tea...why was I drinking tea?

Harry looked stunned and Niall was...well, Niall. No way of describing that! "So, where will we go out to eat?" Niall questioned. "Any where, besides Nandos." i answered him. I was excepting him to be upset, he just in a really good mood.

"Well, I'm going to..." Harry trailed off looking around the kitchen, " about...cereal?" he opens the cabinet and pulls out all sorts of different boxes of cereal.

"Lucky charms!" Niall shouted grabbing the box before anyone else could. "I guess I'll just stick with tea." Zayn said, sipping his tea. "Zayn?" I said. "Hmmm?"

"How does ur throat feel? Shouldn't u be taking medication or something?"

"u worry to much?"

"hello, cousin of Liam here!" I waved my hands randomly in the air. He rolled his eyes at me. "I'm not hungry." Harry said, leaving the room before any one else could say anything.

I looked over at Louis who just looked just as confused as I did. "Do u know what's up with him?" I questioned. Lou shrugged as a response. "Zayn, u should have these, they are delicious!" Niall said to Zayn randomly.

"I'll go talk to him." Lou said getting up and heading to-where ever- Harry was at the moment.

Harry P.O.V

I was sitting in my bedroom, curled up into a ball on my bed.

I'm not like Louis and his fear of shots, I just don't like how they feel ur body all around. I know everyone knows me as the guy that walks around naked all the time, but honestly...I'm in my boxers 95% of the time!

I tried to fall back to sleep but I wasn't like Zayn who can fall a sleep on command when he is tired.

"Hazza, u in there?" I heard Louis voice call.

I didn't even bother saying anything, he was going to come in anyway.

"What's wrong Haz?" he walks up to and takes a seat on the bed. "Nothing." I knew he didn't believe me by the way he looked at me. "Then why would u be here in the dark, curled up in bed for?"

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