Chapter 20: Iris Origin Story

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(The story is almost coming to an end.)

Years Ago

Iris POV

"You piece of shit! You can't do anything right!" I feel nothing but pain. It's all I ever feel.

"Honey it's time for dinner!" I get another kick to my rib which I'm sure is broken now. "You don't get any dinner tonight you fucking disgrace. Now clean this shit up."

He spits near my face and he slams the door. As he leaves he continues to act like nothing happened with my 'mother'

It hurts so much. I try to stand up but my body doesn't want to move. I'm just lucky I have my secret stash of food. I drop myself down on my bed and I hiss in pain still. Why must they hate me? Because I'm born differently? I'm not normal? Why? I just wanted them to love me and be proud of what I do.

I get good grades, I clean the house, I do everything around the house but it's never enough.

The Next Day

"Your so smart Iris!" "Yeah you amazing in class!" Everyone goes on to say I'm great at what I do. I force a smile on my face. "You guys it nothing really. I just know it." It hurts to force something I use to do. I don't even know what a real smile is.

The day goes on as usual. I answered most of the questions that anyone didn't know and passed my tests that I had in some classes. A plus... as usual.

I'm not the most popular girl in school, but I'm not the the girl who gets picked on. People know me as the cool sporty nerdy girl. I get along with everyone and the teachers. Plus I'm gay so... there's that.

It's just with guys I never saw them as cute or hot. It's pretty much the opposite when I see girls. Didn't matter what they look like I still found them very attractive. And that's what my father hates the most about me. My mother doesn't have to show it, I can tell by just looking at her.

Plus I'm not born normal so to them I'm just a mistake. I hear everyone start cheering and chattering about those 'Superheroes' again.

"They saved the day again!" "No one can ever take them down!" "Man it would be so cool to have powers like them!"

Powers yeah... if I had powers. I would murder my parents in cold blood. Maybe fire so I watch them burn alive. Or super strength so I can rip their bodies apart. Or electric powers, I can be like a living electric chair. You know? With thousands of bolts going through body and even burn your eyes out and you smell like a dying piece of shit!? That one.

The possibilities are endless for what I could have. It's probably insane of me to think of something like that but I wouldn't go that far.

Even if the people deserve it.

The final bell rings and I was ready to head home but my teacher calls me. "Iris could you please come here." I walk up to her desk. "Another A plus. You are one smart kid you know that?" I scratch my cheek. Faking my smile once again. "Don't be embarrassed. Be glad! I've never seen you study once. Either your a good listener or your really good a cheating."

I laugh a little. "It's really everyone copies off me." I joke as well. "Anyways I wanted to give you this." It's a letter from the university that I want to go to. "It's already open." "Sorry about that. I hate to play favorites but I want to my favorite student get in!" Judging by her reaction I got in. Cool I guess.

It hurts to fake my smile still. "I got in. It's hard to believe." "Well your smart kid. I bet your parents we'll be so proud of you."


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