Chapter Three

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Grace hurried into the drawing room where Lady Rutherford sat reading a book. Artemis, as usual, sat at her feet. It seemed Artemis loved her ladyship as much as she did. Grace did not see her faithful pet as much as she used to, not that she minded she was pleased they got on so well. In Grace's hand, she held eight letters that had arrived in the post that morning.

"Lady Rutherford, I have the post. It looks like we have some replies for the party," Grace said, walking over to where Lady Rutherford sat.

Lady Rutherford put down her book and took the letters from Grace's outstretched hands. "Oh, this one is from Nicholas," she said as she opened the letter with a sterling silver letter opener. She scanned the page and then thrust it into Grace's hand. "Here, read this and tell me what you think."

Grace took the letter and read it, her eyes growing wide in astonishment as she scanned the page. She looked up at Lady Rutherford, who looked as though she was about to cry. "He did say he would arrive, my lady," Grace said kindly, sitting next to her and placing an arm around her shoulder. "He just did not say when. If you do not mind, I shall inform Mrs Tyler to check to see if his chambers are ready. We do not want to be caught unprepared if he chooses to arrive early."

"I would not put it past him, my dear," Lady Rutherford said. Her attempt at a smile was pitiful. "I am sure it is fine but check anyway."

Grace curtsied to her ladyship and bid her leave on her way to find Mrs Tyler. She eventually found the housekeeper in the kitchen with the cook, finalising the menus for the coming house party. They both looked up when they heard the rustle of Grace's skirts as she came around the corner and entered. Both women wore a smile of greeting upon their faces. All the retainers at Rutherford Court loved Grace. If the young woman could put a smile on her ladyship's face, it was fine by them. Lady Rutherford had not seemed to smile much at all since her son had decided to stay in London indefinitely.

"Mrs Tyler, Lady Rutherford has requested that you check his lordships room. It seems he shall be coming to the party after all," Grace said.

"I shall do so immediately, miss," Mrs Tyler replied in a deep voice, almost sounding masculine in its tone. "Would you care to check also, just in case I miss something? Sometimes a second pair of eyes can be most helpful."

"Of course, we cannot have his lordship unhappy now, can we?" Grace said with a chuckle.

Still laughing, they made their way up to Lord Rutherford's chambers on the second floor of the vast country house. They opened the heavy, oak door and entered the room. In the middle stood an immense four-poster bed, with a forest green and cream coverlet. On either side of the bed, large, mullioned windows with forest green draperies secured with cream tasselled tiebacks overlooked the vast grounds with the lake as a picturesque backdrop. It was certainly a very masculine room, perfect for a confirmed bachelor at any rate. She wondered what he would say if he knew, she had seen his room. The very thought brought a pretty blush to her cheeks. An unmarried woman did not view a gentleman's room no matter the circumstances.

While Mrs Tyler checked the bathing room through an oak door on the left, Grace checked all the possible spots the upstairs maids might have missed. From the tiny crack behind the fireplace to the many candelabrums, they could be difficult to clean at the best of times. She would not blame them at all if they chose not to give them the attention they required. Nevertheless, they shone so brightly that she could see her reflection in the sterling silver surface. Finally, she checked the bed, pulling down the coverlet to air it, the faint smell of lavender that still lingered in the crisp, white sheets, rose gently to tease her nose.

"Well, miss, everything seems to be fine in there," Mrs Tyler stated as she came out of the bathing room.

"Everything is fine in here also. I think we should leave the windows open to air the room out, it is a bit stuffy in here," Grace replied, turning around and smiling at the older housekeeper.

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