Chapter Six

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The sweet scent of drinking chocolate teased Grace's nose as her subconscious mind drifted back into realms of reality. She slowly opened her eyes and stretched, her arms reaching out high above her head and her back arched in delightful bliss. As she settled back down onto the pillows, she noted something amiss. For one thing, sunlight streamed through the windows, lighting up the room with colourful radiance. For another, a maid she had never seen before tiptoed around the room, putting Grace's clothing away into the wardrobe and generally attending to chores.

"Excuse me," Grace said, causing the maid to jump two foot into the air. "What time is it?"

"A little after ten of the clock, miss," she replied.

"Oh, my goodness, her ladyship has been awake for hours," Grace cried, scrambling out of bed.

"As to that, miss," the maid replied. "Her ladyship requested that you rest. There is a cup of chocolate on your bedside table for you to drink along with a roll, just in case you miss breakfast."

"Oh, thank you," Grace replied, sitting back onto the bed. She was not dreaming about the smell of chocolate after all. "I have not seen you before. Are you new?"

"You could say that, I arrived this morning," the maid replied.

"What is your name?" Grace asked, taking a sip of the smooth and creamy chocolate that she enjoyed so much.

"Annabelle, miss," she replied. "Now, once you have finished your chocolate and roll, her ladyship has requested your presence in the drawing room."

"Oh, yes of course," Grace said, hurriedly finishing the last of her drink. For the moment, she had forgotten she was not here as a guest, but to work.

As Annabelle helped her dress, she let her mind wander back to the previous evening. She could not resist a smile as her thoughts lingered on Lord Markham; they had a wonderful chat over dinner. Despite the fact every time she glanced in Lord Rutherford's direction, she noted a rather stormy expression settle onto his brow. Not once did Lord Markham look down his aristocratic nose at her, a mere companion. Furthermore, he appeared genuinely interested in everything she had to say. How different he appeared to his lofty lordship. For a top of the trees London gentleman, Lord Markham was remarkably down to earth.

After Annabelle finished arranging her hair, Grace gasped as she gazed at herself in the looking glass. The woman that stared back did not appear to be the same that went to sleep the previous evening. The maid concocted an intricate modish style that appeared to be nailed to Grace's head, leaving gentle ringlets framing her face. Even her violet and white striped gown looked different and then it occurred to her. Someone had altered it, adding flounces to the skirt, and lowering the neckline to reveal more of her décolletage. Far too much in Grace's opinion, she tried to pull up the offending garment, but to no avail.

Sensing Grace's apparent distress, Annabelle said. "Her ladyship asked me to, miss." She wrung her hands as she watched Grace, worry creasing her brow. "She told me to alter the others as well, but that one is the first I have done."

"No, no, I understand, Annabelle," Grace replied, breaking her gaze from the looking glass. She turned toward the maid with a smile, although, she did not really feel like smiling. "If Lady Rutherford requested it, then it must be done."

"Oh, yes, her ladyship thinks the world of you, miss," Annabelle said. "Those below stairs told me, they could not stop talking about how Lady Rutherford has changed since you arrived."

At this, Grace could not resist a smile. She was sure not much went on within the walls of Rutherford Court that the servants did not know. "Thank you, Annabelle, you have done a wonderful job," Grace said. "Now, I must go to the drawing room, I fear I have kept her ladyship waiting long enough." With that, Grace left her chambers and skipped down the stairs.

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