Chapter Fourteen

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As Nicholas strode up to his mother's chambers after he changed for dinner, he began to whistle a cheerful tune. It was becoming increasingly close to dinnertime and he was sure she would be changing. But he knew he had to inform her that her wish for him to marry Lady Felicity would not eventuate, before anyone else did. The gossip was probably circulating around the house by now anyway.

The threat of the squire possibly arriving and claiming Grace had sped up his plans regarding his little love. She appeared to be delightfully confused as to his intentions toward her. No matter, the proposing came before the courting, but she would be his eventually. There would be not a chance that she would break off with him, not with his mother's approval of the match. He just hoped she would see things as he did.

Once allowed to enter after his impetuous knock on the door, he strode toward his mother who reclined on her chaise by the window. She raised her eyebrows at the sudden appearance of her son. If she were curious as to why he wished to speak with her, she did not allow it show.

"Mother, dear," he began, seating himself down on a wing chair nearby. "I was wondering whether the family betrothal ring is here."

"Oh, and may I ask why this sudden interest in the betrothal ring," she asked. There was a definite twinkle of pleasure in her sapphire blue eyes. "Dare I ask you shall soon make your dearest mother's wish come true and fill the nursery." At his nod, she continued. "May I ask who the lucky lady is?" She thought she knew but wanted to hear it from her son.

"Will you be too disappointed if it is not Lady Felicity? My heart belongs to another," he said. He knew how his mother approved of her, although how she could, he had yet to fathom. Lady Felicity was a self-centred goose. He could not imagine himself leg-shackled to her for the rest of his life. Likely, she would insist they spend every Season in Town, so she could display her beauty. For some reason, London did not seem so inviting to him now. He just looked forward to spending time with Grace and demonstrating all his expertise he had accumulated over the years. That thought brought a wry smile to his face.

Lady Rutherford exhaled the breath she did not realise she had been holding. Smiling with delight, she said. "I am not disappointed in the slightest." Then in rare candour, she continued. "I must confess, I had my doubts regarding Lady Felicity. I did not know she was so self-involved. I made an error in judgement by inviting her here. She has been utterly beastly to Grace and that is something I shall not abide by much longer."

"The betrothal ring, Mother?" he said, impatiently.

"Ah yes, I took the liberty of sending it to London to be cleaned, it arrived a few days ago. It is in the safe in the library," she said with fond regard. "I am sure Grace shall adore it."

He looked at his mother with new found admiration. How come others could see what one thought was well hidden? How many others knew? "Therein is the problem," he said. At her raised eyebrows, he told her of the scene in the drawing room. By the time he finished, she appeared pensive, pondering the current obstacle to her son's happiness.

"I can quite understand why she would feel you are not sincere in your gesture," she said slowly. "However, I know you well enough to know that she has quite captured your heart. Rest assured I shall endeavour to help you as much as I can, Nicholas. I could not be happier at your choice in a bride." She rose from the chaise and started toward the door, beckoning Nicholas to follow her. Obeying, Nicholas followed, but once in the hallway, proceeded in the opposite direction.


Grace paced the floor of her chambers in just her petticoats and stays. She could not seem to stand still. Her aunt sat on her bed, growing dizzy at the agitated figure making abrupt turns in front of her. Mary stood holding an ivory gown with lavender gauze overlay in her hands, anxiously waiting to dress Grace for dinner. How she was to achieve this feat with her lovely new mistress pacing so, was entirely beyond her.

My Cynical Marquess ~ Lords of Reluctance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now