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"Hello, legal mother of Peter," Bucky said right after pushing the office door open and walked over to Peppers table, who didn't even look up. Bucky snapped his fingers in front of the woman, but she didn't even blink. "Hello?" he said, dragging out the 'o' and waving his hand slowly in front of the woman's face. "PEPPER!" he yelled at her and slammed his right hand on the table, making Pepper flinch as her coffee fell over and onto some random papers.

Pepper quickly stood up, her chair rolling away a bit and set her mug upright, grabbed some tissues and dabbed the papers to rid them of the coffee that hadn't soaked in yet. After she tossed the soaked tissues into the trash she turned around to face Bucky. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" Bucky leaned over onto one leg, crossing his arms. "Those were some very important papers, and you ruined them!" Bucky walked around the table and picked the brown papers up.

"Agreeing to send Peter to a psychiatric hospital is important?" he let the papers drop. "What is going on with you Pepper?" Bucky spoke.

"FRIDAY send security up here to take Mr.Barnes back to the penthouse." The AI didn't respond but both of them knew someone was on their way.

The office door opened to reveal two men dressed in black suits and walked over to Bucky. "Pepper, " he spoke as the two men grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back. "This is not you, Pepper! Not you! Think about what you're doing, please!" he yelled at her as the two men escorted him out of her office. He didn't even try to struggle, knowing they have tasers on their belts, and that they're allowed to use them.

When the elevator doors opened and the two guards threw Bucky into the penthouse floor, to say the others were shocked was an understatement.

"Thank you for that," he muttered as he walked over to the others.

"What on earth did you do?" Steve asked his friend.

"Pepper wants to send Peter to a psychiatric hospital." Steves' eyes widened.

"Are you sure? That doesn't seem like something Pepper would do." Sam asked the two, sitting down.

"She literally made Peter cry because she told him she doesn't care about his wellbeing. And later the papers to send Peter away were on the table and soaked in coffee because her mug fell over and she called them very important and yelled at me for doing so."

"That's fucked up. Something must be wrong with her, maybe HYDRA like, I don't know, drugged her or something?" Clint asked, making Bucky shrug.

"Do you have any news on Tony?" Bucky asked as he walked over to Natasha and Bruce who were sitting by computers and doing... Something. Trying to find Tony, probably. Hopefully not playing Galaga.

"No, but we notified SHIELD and the FBI. They wanted to know why the fuck there was a spaceship that went through the Avengers tower." Natasha replied as Bruce continued typing away.

Bucky made an 'o' shape with his mouth, and walked back over to Steve, and sat down on the couch to watch through security footage with him.


"Give up already!" Tony let out as he struggled against the restraints on his hands and legs that held him tightly on the very uncomfortable chair he was currently in. A voice spoke, startling him.

"Congratulations, you have been chosen to meet the master." Tony looked around, confused. Where was he? What was going on? What master? A door opened infront of him. Sending in some light. He stayed quiet and heared the soft click of heels against the concrete floor, nearing him. The light in the room turned on, blinding him. He couldnt raise his hand to place over his eyes so he just squeezed them shut as hard as he could, but it didnt do almost any help. He could still see the light and a faint figure in front of him through his eyelids.

"Open your eyes, genius." the voice was familiar from somewhere, but when he opened his eyes he could only see short blonde hair and nothing else. The womans face was covered up.

please, come back. [two] ✔Where stories live. Discover now