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"Oh god, oh god, oh god."

"What's the matter, Stark?"

"You- I- why do you want Peter?" He looked up at Pepper and Maya, the two sitting there as if they own the entire universe.

"Because we need to hold a memorial for May. And the best way to do that is with the death of Peter." Tony hadn't expected an answer like that. He had just guessed that they want him to- he really didn't know what he had thought, but it 100% was not that. "Alright. We have our own duties to attend to. Tiffy, will you please get him out of here and into sector 7G?" Maya said with a flick of her hand.

"Yes, madam." a very buff woman walked up to Tony, grabbed him by his left arm and pulled him up to his feet. "Move it, you punk." after a bit, Tony spoke up.

"So, Tiffy-"

"That's Miss Tiffany to you," she pushed him and he almost fell over. "dumbass." he let out a quiet laugh.

"So, Miss Tiffany, whats this so-called organization about?"


"Thats all? I mean, no secret meaning or something?" she didnt answer and they continued walking in silence. Once they arrived, he decided to open his mouth again. "So, Miss Tiffany, what are we gonna do here?" not a second after he finished, the lights flashed off and all that could be heard was a bang.


"What the fuck, Steve?!" Natasha yelled as Bucky helped her steady herself. "Whats wrong with you?!"

"What's wrong with you?" Steve spat at her. "What's wrong with all of you?!" now everyone was far beyond confused.

"What do you mean?!" Clint yelled.

"How do you not understand what's wrong in all we're doing? He attacked Bucky!" he yelled, pointing his hand towards his friend. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. He did not attack Bucky!" Peter cried out. "He attacked you! And he had a valid reason to do so!"

"Kid, you don't know shit about what happened," Steve replied, and Bucky got angry.

"Steven. Peter knows what he's talking about."

"Tony blew off your arm-"

"Because I reached for the arc reactor got dangit!" Bucky straight up yelled, making the small area echo. He walked over to him and grabbed his collar. "I can't even trust you to not hurt anyone of the Avengers? You are not the man I have considered to be my best friend for all my life." he let go and walked away. "We should go and save Tony." Everyone followed, except Steve, who stayed just there, where Bucky had left him.

Sorry that this is fucking short, I really hoped I would update more during the summer but apparently nAH. I have a severe case of writers' block so I'm sorry for all of you.

please, come back. [two] ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα