Chapter Four

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Ciel woke up the next day groggily, and only a little relived that the soreness in his muscles was almost gone. But, his headache still remained. He tried to get up, but he was stopped by a hand around his waist and a face pressed against his back.

He turned his head around, and saw Sebastian snuggled up to him tightly. He was still in his clothes, and his laptop was sitting in the bed. Open, but out of power. He probably arrived late and worked for a little bit before passing out next to him. The car keys were on the bed too along with Sebastian's jacket.

Ciel blinked for a bit before catching sight of a plastic bag on the bed too. He pulled out it's contents, a Skyrim game and a Xbox Gold card for six months. Ciel felt a tiny bit of happiness in his chest, but only a little. He sat up and shook Sebastian awake, who took sight of Ciel and hugged him close.

"Good morning, my little sweetheart." He said.

Ciel froze and looked away. "Yeah...good morning." He spoke. He suddenly realized just how cold the bed was when Sebastian pulled away and sat up, pulling up with laptop. Ciel looked at the game and got up slowly to turn on the Xbox. Sebastian explained to him that Claude said he didn't know how to use it so he gave it to him, who never used it. So, basically, it was brand new.

After a little trouble, Ciel finally got the hang of how to work the machine and crawled back in bed to play. He first download a mod Alois said was good, thengot started as a wood elf but when he was choosing his new life, he couldn't decide.

"Um....." He whispered.

"Is something wrong?" Sebastian asked.

"Well....I..just don't know what to do....." Ciel said quietly.

"Flip through the choices." Sebastian said, and Ciel ran through them quickly.

"Ooohhh, tough decisions.... I can't decide between the vampire one or owning property...." He said. He scooted closer to Ciel, who blushed slightly. "I say go with owning property. You'll have a place to put all of your stuff and you can always turn into a vampire later." Sebastian said.

"Okie.....which hold?" Ciel asked.

"Solitude sounds like a quiet place." Sebastian said.

What Ciel didn't notice, that was Sebastian pulled up his laptop, ready to begin typing. His plan, write a story based on what Ciel was doing in the game.

"Ohh! This place is so pretty!" Ciel said as he explored the manor. On the outside, it seemed as if he was having a wonderful time. On the inside, however, he was trying to figure out Sebastian's change in behavior.

"Maybe.....he', too impractical. Wait....what if he's found someone else....and wants them instead of me....and is only keeping me here because he wants me to do his and maybe her work! That has to be the reason!" Ciel thought.

The doorbell rang, and Sebastian got up to see who it was.

"Maybe that's her!" Ciel thought and gasped. He paused the game and waited patiently for a few minutes before Sebastian reappeared in the doorway. "Ciel, someone is here to see you." He said and smiled.

A blur of a blonde mess shot at him and hugged him tightly. "Cieelll! I missed you! I heard what happened! Are you okay? Do you need help?" Alois said and grabbed his face in his hands.

"I'm okay..I'm okay. No need to fret." Ciel said. Alois hugged him again. Sebastian went to the living room with Claude to talk about a new book he wanted to publish.

"I heard about you and Sebastian..y'know...close now?" Alois asked. Ciel looked at the covers. "Not even close....he doesn't realize he's making me uncomfortable and unhappy..." He explained. Alois leaned in.

"Are you also afraid that he might... cheat on you?" Alois whispered those last three words. Ciel stood up straight. "Might? I know for a fact he's going to cheat! He's going to grow tired of me and only keep me here for work. He doesn't care about anything but his work. He's just acting nice so I will stay around. It's easy to tell when somebody is lying."

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know you felt that way. Maybe it won't be so bad." Alois said.

Ciel sighed. "I hope......"

Later that night, Ciel was sitting upright reading a random book he'd found. Sebastian walked in, drying of his hair with a towel. He climbed into bed and laid opposite of Ciel. "Hey, Ciel?" He asked. Ciel mumbled a reply. "When you get better, I'm taking you shopping again." He explained. "Please, no I-" "It will be different, I promise. This will be a trip for you. Not me." He sighed.

"Ciel, I heard what you said today to Alois." Ciel jumped. He began to sweat. "Um....what...did I say again?" Ciel tried to stall.

"You said that I was definitely going to cheat on you and that I only what wanted you around for work." Sebastian said.

"Oh...that..." Ciel said and became stiff. Sebastian crawled closer to him and held him close.

"Is that what you honestly think?" He asked. Ciel nodded slowly. There was no need to lie when he already knew he was going to be in trouble.

"Ciel, like I said, we need to be more open with each other. I would have never known about this unless I didn't eavesdrop. I'm so sorry I'd you feel that way about me." He grabbed his shoulders. "Is there any way I can change that thought?" He asked.

" guess don't ever lie to me, and always be there when I need you...and share secrets with each other more often...." Ciel said.

"Done and done." Sebastian said and leaned in to try to kiss Ciel again. And, of course, Ciel pushed him away.

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