Chapter Five

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Ciel pov

I don't understand feelings anymore.

One minute, I'm blushing because Sebastian has me locked in a death grip, trying to get me to kiss him.

The next, I'm crying my heart out while sitting in the tub.

I still remember what my parents said to me while I dreamed. Should I die? Should I come back to them? If I did, I'd be happy for the rest of my life. If I didn't, id be miserable for the rest of my life. And, if I did decide to commit suicide, it would be difficult because I have a certain someone watching me every second of my life.

To be quite honest, I kinda liked him better when he was cold and distant....not...happy and overprotective.

I tried to forget about my existence while I climbed out of the tub and curled up in a soft towel and went to my room to get dressed for bed.

I have been feeling a lot better and I can walk straight now. And, because I can walk, I spend more time away from him, mostly in my room. I got dressed in a random shirt I found in my dresser drawer and climbed in bed. I laid down in silence.

It was a few minutes before I heard Sebastian go up the stairs and poke his head in my doorway. "Baby, how- hey, what's wrong?" He walked over to me and plopped beside me on the bed. It creaked because of the uncomfortable mattress sitting wrong on the bed.

"I'm okay..." I said and turned over.

"No..I can tell when people lie, Ciel. What's wrong?" Sebastian said and spooned me tightly.

I tensed up. "I's nothing...just a little depression."

He hugged me tighter. (If possible.) "I'm sorry, baby." We laid in silence for a few minutes. Until, he struck me with a question that I didn't ever expect to hear.

"Where are your wedding rings?"

I jumped slightly. I sweated nervously. "My gold one is on my dresser....and...well...I got rid of the diamond one because technically you didn't get it for me or pick it out. And...I was also sad that you never told me that you loved that's why." I explained quietly.

I expected to be slapped, but instead I got an even tighter hug. "I'm sorry, Ciel. I didn't know how you felt or cared about how you felt back then. But I promise...everything will be different now." Sebastian said.

As if on instinct, I relaxed into his grip and closed my eyes. The feeling...the warmth...the smell...the everything was peaceful and relaxing. I loved it.

He sat up and smiled at me. "So, what I was going to ask was how about I get you some Burger King tonight? I'm going to be working late tonight, and I have no time to cook. What do you say?" I nodded. It's been forever since I had fast food...and I really liked it.

He smirked at me and handed me my phone. When had he taken it? "Have fun while I'm gone." He said and left the room. I turned it on, and there was an icon up in the corner.....a wifi icon. My brain, to tired and hungry to process anything, led me to the App Store.

Sebastian returned later than I thought with the food and he carried me to his bedroom. "Please sleep with me tonight?" He asked. I nodded out of exhaustion. As I finished eating, I felt the bag to be heavier than imagined. Maybe a few discarded fries? That's common with this food. I felt Sebastian place his head on my shoulder and smirk.

I looked in the bag, and saw a little black leather box. Confused, I picked it up and opened it. I gasped. Inside, was a beautiful diamond ring. It was so shiny and new, and surprisingly just right for me and my personality.

Was this how love works?

Sebastian picked it up and placed it in my finger. It fit perfectly. He seemed to be in his own little world as he pushed me against him and held me tight. He snapped back it no reality when our lips brushed past each other's and I gasped at the touch.

"O-oh! I forgot....I'll-" "No. It's fine....." I interrupted him. My face was flushed redder than a strawberry. His face was the same. "Alright...." He said.

I always thought kisses were just a way to express love without words. I didn't imagine that they could taste like something....or feel like something. But right now, I tasted love and I felt like butterflies were invading my body.

And I loved it.

And hate to admit it, but, maybe suicide isn't the option for everything.

Especially once you realize you've fallen hard for someone you just began to start knowing.

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