Chapter Six

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Ciel pov

"Just wear something comfortable.....riiiiggghhhttt..." I repeated Sebastian's words from earlier. He's taking me out to dinner tonight. I don't know where, though. He's making that a surprise.

I decided on a huge sweater that I found in my closet. It was fluffy and a grey color, and it covered most of my thighs. I chose the first pair of jeans that I found in my closet and and out them on. I didn't care. I was just ready to eat. I was surprised that my stomach has been getting hungrier and hungrier every day. It's unnatural.

I stared down at my dresser and my rings sparkled. Should I? I really should, but I shouldn't. Maybe....oh, fudge it. I grabbed them and placed them on my ring finger.

I walked out of my room and found Sebastian waiting for me. "You look beautiful." He said. I blushed. I still get get over him saying that I'm beautiful! He took me to his car and my hand was stretched to the backseat door when Sebastian grabbed it. "Sit up front with me." He said.

"O-Okay.." I said and crawled into the front seat, my back facing him. "So, where are we going?" I asked.

"Just a nice restaurant I found a few days back. Don't worry, nothing fancy or high quality. It's just right for you." He explained. Who has been giving him info about me?

He was smiling bigger than usual, and I didn't understand, but I just let him be. We turned in the parking lot of the restaurant. We walked in and the smell of Italian food hit my nose. I haven't had this since I was nine.

"Table for two, please." Sebastian said to a woman behind a counter. She smiled huge. "Right this way, please." She said in the most high pitched...flirtatious...wanting voice ever. She sashayed the entire time she walked and immediately thought: This is going to be a loooooonnnngggggg date.

We sat down at our table and Sebastian couldn't keep his eyes off me. "What to drink?" She asked, standing in a slanted position, making her chest seem bigger. "We'll both have Coke, please." Sebastian said, eyes not disconnecting from mine.

She walked away, hips still swinging. I sighed. "She's flirting with you."

"Really? I didn't notice. I can only look at you." He said and smiled at me dreamily.

"Oh, ha ha." I said sarcastically.

"No seriously." He grabbed his hands in mine. "I think you're beautiful."

I sighed. The lady came back with our drinks and I cringed at her voice again. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yes, please." I said and I just ordered the thing I last got when I was nine, shocker that I still remember it. Sebastian ordered something that sounded really good, but I knew my stomach couldn't handle it.

He talked on his phone about business for a bit, and I played on mine. When he finally got off and lowered mine from my face. "Ciel, I know we've already had this conversation, but..what can I do to be a better husband?" He asked. I looked down.

" of all, no cheating." I explained. He nodded.

" Take me wherever you I know that you aren't cheating on me...and...just..don't  lie to me..I guess." I said. He nodded. "Is there anything you'd like to tell me?" He asked.

I thought for a moment, before looking up at him. "Sebastian, when I was at the hospital asleep, I had a dream. It was my parents....they...told me to commit suicide so...we can finally be together again.....I...I don't know what to do."

Silence was common between us in the past, but right now, it felt as if a million seconds of no words was in the air. I shifted. "Ciel...would....would you actually do that?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't know....I miss them a lot...but....I'm just getting to know you and-" He covered my mouth with his hand. "Ciel, please don't. I love you so much...and the thought of you not being beside me....oh gosh, I wouldn't be able to live with myself..." He spoke.

He dragged the hand from my mouth and onto my shoulder, where he pulled he forward and kissed me passionately. This was better than all the other times he's kissed me. He's right. I shouldn't leave him. I wouldn't be able to live with myself either.

We pulled away and I noticed the lady was staring at us open mouthed and not blinking. She shook her head and hesitantly walked to our table and gave us our food without a word being said. I smiled. No flirting with my husband anymore!


"BEGONE ALDUIN SCUM!!!!" I shouted and swung one last time with my sword, and boom! Alduin was dead!!! Finally!!! I smiled and laid back on Sebastian's chest. He pulled me closer.

I looked at him. "Can we have Burger King for dinner?" I asked. He nodded and kissed my head with force.

He left the room and I paused my game. I looked up at the ceiling and smiled contently.

What a lucky person I am.......

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