Chapter four

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 "I want something else..."

Alarms bells went off in my head, the ringing so loud I could barely breathe. My chest felt too empty, my skin too tight for my bones. I pressed my back against the wall, wanting to be away from the strange, white haired boy, wanting to scream, to run. What would he do? He wasn't going to... Oh god.

The boy noticed my horror and laughed, almost kindly. He leaned against the door, arms crossed. "Just kidding!" He sang, his eyes dancing with amusement. It was almost comforting, for some reason. To see someone so happy, so real, when the people I knew were all constantly wearing masks. "I do want money," He told me, smiling. "I just want other things as well."

"Like what?" I questioned timidly, wrapping my arms around myself. "You wont..."

"No, not that," His bright blue eyes were full of comfort. I wasn't sure whether it made me want to scream or cry. "Like other things, Jace. Don't be so nosey. Come sit down. Victor will be bringing in our food any moment," The boy pulled out a chair for me. I looked pointedly down at the chain around my ankle.

"Can you take this off?" I asked quietly, shaking it. The sound echoed around the room.

"Oh, that," He shrugged. "It kind of depends if you're going to run, Jace. Do you promise not to run?"

I eyed the door, which he hadn't locked. "I promise," I lied. He pulled a key out of his pocket, which made my heartbeat speed up. It cant be that easy, can it?

"I don't really believe you," The boy said casually as he spun the key around his fingers. "Which is why I've brought these guys," Two older men entered the room and stood beside the door with their arms crossed. I scowled as my escape plan went completely down the drain. Fuck. I knew it couldn't be that easy.

"Now I can take it off," The boy bent down and unlocked the padlock. The chain fell off my foot onto the floor with a clanging sound. I wriggled my ankle, a bit more satisfied. The boy pointed at the chair closest to me. "Sit, please."

I sat down as the door opened again, my eyes widening as a man came in holding two plates. He was fucking huge. He could probably crush my head with one hand and not even break a sweat. I decided it was best not to mess with the snowy-haired boy who seemed all too happy with the current situation, or this huge beast of a man.

The boy sat across from me. "What's for dinner, Vicky?" He asked the man, who put the plates down on the table in front of us. "We have spring rolls, followed by salad, then lobster and finished with plum pudding topped with cream, ice cream, or melted caramel. The chef was a bit confused when you wanted such a mismatching meal but... Well, he did it."

I raised my eyebrows. The boy smiled at my reaction. "Do you like it? I took the courtesy of getting my chef to make a four-meal course for you."

"Thanks..." I trailed off. I was trying to figure out if he had any triggers. So far, the snowy-haired boy only seemed to be happy, if maybe a little hyper. He seemed eager to please me, which was strange. Why would you want to make a boy who you probably wanted to hurt happy? Manipulation? Was he going to draw me in and then hurt me?

His smile faded at my unsure answer. "Are you not impressed? Do you want something else?" The way he spoke held so much emotions, going from hyperactive and happy to disappointed but eager to please within five seconds. It made me both wary and curious.

"No, no, its fine," I said hurriedly. "It's just... I would have been happy with just the spring rolls."

"But what is the spring rolls without the salad and the lobster and the pudding? Meals that don't go together at all go together so well." He pointed out, leaning on his elbows and staring at me. It was true, to an extent. I liked mismatched meals.

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