Chapter twenty

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A month and three weeks. Still no money. Despite this fact I was still enjoying myself. Winter was really letting me do whatever I wanted now. Though I could wander off, I still stuck with Winter every minute possible.

"Winter?" I called. He was out on the balcony, sketching something. "Yeah?" He asked me. I yawned and stretched my arms. "I'm going to have a bath."

"Okay." He closed his sketch book and followed me. I stared at him. "What are you doing?"

"I want a bath too, and why would I waste water?" He blinked innocently at me. He knew what he was doing. I shook my head. "Nuh uh. You're not having a bath with me."

"Why? Worried I'll do something to..." He leant forward and whispered. "Turn you on?"

I pushed him away. "I'M NOT LOSING MY VIRGINITY IN A BATHTUB, ASSHOLE!" I shouted, stomping my foot and blushing furiously. He pulled back. "What? You thought I wanted to have sex with you? You're dirtier minded than I thought, Jacey. I wouldn't mind, though. Is that an offer? Or are we going to hold it off until we're married like good little boys?"

"Oh my god, Winter." I turned away and hid my face in my hands. Then I looked up. "Wait... we're getting married?"

"Well, perhaps not now. But one day, maybe. I'll go run the bath." He pushed past me. I rolled my eyes and followed him. He was bending over and filling the bath. I sighed and leaned against the door. "Winter?"


"Are you a virgin?"

He straightened and cleared his throat. "Uh... Why do you ask?"

I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around his middle, and rested my cheek against his back. "I want to know about all the guys or girls you've slept with before me. And when you lost your virginity. And who it was to."

"Why do you want to know all of this?" He turned around and kissed my head, nuzzling his face into my soft dark hair. I shrugged. "I just want to know if I'm..." I lowered my voice to a mumble. "Special... o-or just another guy you want t-to sleep with."

"Jacey... You are special." He ruffled my hair. "Getting into the bath or what?"

"You didn't answer my questions." I accused him, narrowing my eyes. He sighed. "Get undressed and I'll tell you."

I replied by taking my shirt off and throwing it onto the ground. Winter did the same. When we were both in the bath, my back pressed against Winter's chest as I played with his fingers, he finally answered me. "You're not the first, but you're special."

"Huh?" I had honestly forgotten about my questions, since my body was curved into his and his hand was dangerously close to my cock, so it was safe to say I was very flustered.

"The first I've slept with, even though we haven't had sex yet. What I'm trying to say is... uh, no, I'm not a virgin. Far from it." He looked at the towel rack. "What's your favorite color towel? I like the blue one. Do you like the blue one? I think you look good in blue. Very sexy. Blue's a sexy color. At least on you it is. It wasn't on all the rest of the people I've... oh damn it I'm back on this topic again. What about green? Do you like the green towel? It's the fluffiest. I have every-"


"-Color of the rainbow. But the pink and the purple one's aren't there, because I hate those colors-"


"-Because pink is such a stupid color. It's so annoying and-"

What could get his attention? Without thinking, I snapped "Winnie! Stop rambling!"

He stopped. "Winnie?" He questioned, and I could hear the smirk in his voice. "What a cute nickname. Almost as cute as yours, Jacey." He teased me. I turned red and crossed my arms, pressing my back closer to his chest. "I just needed you to stop talking. Don't think you've gotten out of answering those questions about your virginity."

"Alright, alright." He nuzzled my neck, making me smile before I quickly covered it up with a frown. He sighed, and I giggled as he blew at the back of my neck. So much for hiding my smile.

"Okay, uh..." He wriggled, getting comfortable. "So, I can't really tell you about all the people I've slept with, because... um... I can barely remember their names."

I rolled my eyes. "When I have sex, it's going to be with someone special."

"You sound like a girl, but anyway." I looked down as he started to count on his fingers. "I think it was around... um... actually I forgot. I know it was over thirty. I think I had a black book somewhere, but literally most of them were one nighters."

"What about the first person you lost your virginity to?"

"Hm." He leant back, taking me with him. "It was a girl. And we were both depressed, so we kinda just went for it behind the school in this bush. After that, we both just got dressed and never spoke again, but I did see her hanging out with her friends a lot, and she just kind of gave me this wink, but that was it."

"You lost your virginity in a bush?!" I shouted. He sighed and played with the strands of my hair that were longer than the rest. "Yep. I think my first kiss was when I was twelve. It wasn't as great as I expected, but that was because it was the first time for both of us, so it was kind of like... fast. Now, I think kissing is a great pass time." He kissed my shoulder.

"Wait. Wait, wait, wait." I turned around and looked at him. "You lost your virginity in a bush? Like, with leaves and sticks and that kind of thing? A real bush?"

"Oh no, it was a bush made from clouds. Yes, a real bush. It was hollow on the inside, but both of us had heaps of scratches because we kept getting poked with sticks."

"I can't believe this." I shook my head. "You lost your virginity in a fucking bush."

"Yes, we've confirmed this. Can we please make out now?"

"It would have been so uncomfortable! How old were you?"

He sighed. "I was fifteen. She was sixteen. It was four years ago. Can I ask you a question now?"

"A bush..." I whistled. "Okay yeah, what question?"

"When you lose your virginity, what do you want it to be like? Where? Like, what's the setting? Any music?"

"Uh..." I thought about it. "Well, I mean, I guess I'd like some music. Not some sex song, but probably something like I Do Adore. And candles, I suppose. And instead of blankets on the bed, I'd like furs. Like yours." Feeling embarrassed suddenly, I scratched my head. "What do you think?"

"I think..." He leant forward and kissed my neck, then pulled away. "You are such a girl, Jason. Love songs? Candles? Really?"

"Well, how do you like it?" I grumbled. He thought for a moment before answering. "Fast, hot, and very rough."

"Ew!" I hit his chest with the back of my hand. He laughed, putting up his hands to defend himself. "You asked! It's not my fault I like it rough!"

says nothing and smirks

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