Chapter eighteen

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I was allowed to sleep in Winter's bed that night. It felt sort of strange, sleeping in a room where the door wasn't locked, where I could see the stars of the night sky. Winter also liked to sleep with the balcony door open, so cool air was blowing in through the fly screen.

It would be so easy to escape. I could run, get away from here. I wasn't wearing a tracker, the dogs were locked up in their pen, and the guards were probably distracted. But though a part of me wanted nothing more than to be back at the apartment with my family, at the top of our skyscraper, another part of never wanted to leave.

My Dad was going to give Winter what he wanted at some point or other. That would mean I would have to leave Winter.

I pressed my face into his neck. No. I didn't want to leave him. I didn't want to ever leave him. I had fallen for him hardcore.

I didn't even want to think about leaving him. It hurt.

I must have fallen asleep at some point, because when I woke up, the sun was shining in my face and Winter was nowhere to be seen. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Winter?" I asked, sitting up. I glanced at the clock. It was nearly ten am. He hadn't woken me up.

In a panic, I looked all around the room. No, no, no. He can't have left again! Please don't tell me he's left again!

But then I heard him cough from the bathroom and noticed the sound of a shower. Relieved, I lay back down. He was still here.

I pushed the fur blanket off me and stood up, stretching. Last night, neither one of us had gotten dressed. No, we both just fell asleep in our boxers, clinging onto each other like if we let go one of us would disappear and exchanging kisses. I hadn't had sex with him, even though a tiny, little part of me wanted to.

My foot hit something on the ground, and I looked down. A box of pills? I bent down and picked it up, reading. My eyes widened.

Take two tablets daily (seven day pick up only)
Prescribed to Winter Wendall, for Dissociative Identity Disorder

Do not take unless prescribed by your doctor

A/N: Previously, this was Multiple Personality Disorder. Back when I wrote this, I was not aware of the name change. It is now D.I.D. Thank you for putting up with my mistakes!

"What are you doing?" A harsh voice behind me said. I turned around, only to have the pills swiped out of my hands and hidden behind Winter's back. His eyes were turning stormy again, but he seemed to be fighting it, instead breathing steadily.

"I... um... it was on the floor, so I picked it up, and I just..." I trailed off, looking down at the ground. "Y-you're Schizophrenic?"

"That's none of your business," He growled, narrowing his eyes. But then he suddenly smiled. "Didn't I tell you curiosity killed the cat, Jace?"


"Maybe you should think about that for a while," He threw a bundle of clothes at me. "Get dressed."

I did as he said, but my head was buzzing with even more questions than last night.


I began to sleep in Winter's bed every night. We didn't get up at six am; in fact, we slept in until at least nine every day. Breakfast was always late, we rarely spent any time apart, and people never bugged us anymore. It was no longer the same, boring routine it had been. Now I woke up wondering what we were going to do today, whether it be Winter trying to teach me how to play piano or climbing trees out in his garden.

I showered in his bathroom, wore his clothes even though it annoyed him, read until three am every day as Winter slept beside me. I was always with him, and I liked that.

Winter kept his pills hidden from me and ignored every single question I had. Eventually, I just stopped asking.

We were laying in bed, watching TV one night, when a movie came on. One my Mum starred in. I cringed. "Ew. Turn it off."

I could already see where it was leading. She was standing in a room with lit candles and a bed, holding a sheet around her, staring at another man. An actor. They were about to have sex, which I knew, because I had seen the movie before. In fact, I had gone to the premiere of the movie, and had kept my eyes shut the entire scene.

"No, I want to see where this is going," Winter answered, his eyes glued to the screen. I made a grab for the remote. 

"You know where this is going, jerk! Give me the remote!"

"I'm watching it!" He was laughing now, holding the remote away from me. On the TV, the sheet dropped to the floor. I screamed and covered my eyes. 

"No! Turn it off, Winter! That's my Mum!"

"She has nice tits," He answered casually. I hit his chest, trying to grab the remote again. 

"I don't want to see my Mum naked! Turn. It. Off!"

"No!" He was still laughing. "This is a good movie! Ooh, you can really see the passion and love. You should watch this, Jason."

"Gross! Switch the channel!"

"She has three kids, including you, right? Because honestly, she's got a damn good body. Looks like she never had kids at all. Did she breast feed you?"

"Winter!" I whined, hiding my face in his pillow. "Please turn it off! I really, really, REALLY don't want to see my Mum naked!"

"Okay, okay, its off."

I looked up at the screen, only to see it was still playing. "Winter! Turn it off!"

"You have a damn hot Mum, Jacey."

Author's Note:

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