Chapter twelve

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The door creaked as I looked out at Winter, gripping the handle tightly. He was sitting at the table, sketching something with a pencil. My clothes were folded up on the bed. Winter turned around when he heard me, a small smile spreading onto his face as his eyes twinkled. I stared at him desperately. "Can you please pass me my clothes?"

"Why don't you get them yourself?" He was smirking again. He knew what he was doing.

"Can you please just give me my clothes?" I begged. He stood and picked them up. 

"Oh, these ones?"


"Come get them," His eyes were dancing with mischief. I made a grab for them, stumbling out from behind the door. 

"Give me my clothes, Winter!"

"They're right here," He said innocently. "Just grab them, Jacey," He held them out to me, inches from my face. I tried to yank them away again, but he moved away, chuckling. I let out a frustrated shout, attempting to get my clothes back. 

"Give them to me, Goddamnit!"

He laughed as I tried to grab them again, holding them above our heads and out of my reach. Grumbling to myself, I reached up, standing on my tiptoes and leaning on his shoulder. "Stop playing, Winter, just give me my--" Suddenly, Winter fell back and we landed heavily on the bed with a synchronized oof. I found myself sitting on Winter's chest, leaning over him, my hands on either side of his head. He stared up at me, his snowy hair ruffled, and grinned.

The door opened, causing me to jump and glance over at it. Victor walked in and stared at us, looking unsurprised by the position we were in. He blinked lazily, then walked out, closing the door behind him. I turned even redder and grabbed my clothes off Winter, clambering off the bed. I stomped back to the bathroom and slammed the door.

Once I was alone in the bathroom, I let out a deep sigh and leaned against the wooden door, clutching my clothes to my chest.

"Shit," I whispered.


Winter's chest rose up and down as he slept. His lightly coloured eyelashes rested against his cheeks, causing him to look more innocent and young than he was when he was asleep.

I put my hand on my chest, tilting my head slightly to get a better angle of his lips. He creeps on me, I can creep on him.

I reached up and touched his hair. So soft.

I liked it when I was close to Winter. Though I acted like I hated it when he cuddled me, or leant down to smile at me, but I loved it. I loved his eyes, his hair, his smile. I loved the way he always smelt like pine trees and ash, which strangely wasn't a bad combination. I loved the crazy way he acted, the way he teased me, the way he smirked. I loved everything about him.

I loved him.

I sat up in shock. Wait, where did that come from? There was no way I loved Winter. I mean, he kidnapped me, for Christ's sake! Plus, I had known him only two weeks. How could I be falling for him when I barely knew him? He was my fucking stalker. I didn't love him. I didn't even like him.

Sure, I liked the things he did. And my heart beat fast when he was close to me. But love? Definitely not.

I didn't feel things like love.

I never have...

And never will.

Winter stirred beside me, rolling onto his back. I didn't have any control over what I did next. I lay my head down on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

No. I had to stop. I had to move.

"Jace? Are you awake?" Winter asked. I resisted the urge to swear and instead closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. It would be less embarrassing if I was asleep.

I felt his arm around me, and my heart started to beat even faster. He leant forward and pressed his lips against my head.

Oh. My. God.

"Goodnight, Jacey," He whispered. I let him pull me up closer toward him. He wrapped both arms around me and ran his hand through my hair. I lay there until I felt his hand stop moving, and I knew he was asleep.

"Goodnight, Winter," I whispered back before closing my eyes.

Author's Note:

613 words. Fuck everything ugh.

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