Chapter 1 - Look At Us Now

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"Good God," Kenna mumbled to her friends. She cast a look around the restaurant they were walking into. "This is the last place I want to be right now,"

"Will you hush already?" Kenna's best friend, Noelle, responded, rolling her eyes. "It's our high school reunion which is pretty much like prom, only ten years later. It's probably gonna be terrible, but you'll regret it if you miss it."

"The whole thing seems pretty lame," her other best friend, Nelson, admitted, "but it'll be nice to see everyone again, right?"

"No," Kenna deadpanned. "They're all assholes."

"I second that," Nelson's girlfriend Breah chimed in. Kenna didn't like Breah much, but she felt momentarily bolstered by her support.


"Mackenzie," called a voice from behind her and Noelle made big round warning eyes at Kenna. Oh, wonderful, it was probably somebody she hated. She turned and grimaced before she schooled her expression. Juan Benitez, her high school boyfriend. So yes, someone she really, absolutely hated.

Kenna hadn't spoken to Juan once in the entire eight years since they'd broken up, and she'd been perfectly happy with that arrangement. In fact, she would've loved to see if they could keep the streak going. He came in for a hug that Kenna couldn"t dodge without causing a scene, so she let him hug her and vowed to burn the dress she was wearing when she got home.

"How you doin', mami?" He asked her, rubbing his disgusting, meaty paw up and down her arm. "You look amazing."

"Yeah. You look... yeah," Kenna said back, trying not to vomit in her mouth.

Noelle, ever her savior, stepped in and hugged Juan like they were old pals. They sort of were if you left out the where Noelle actually thought he was a disgusting human being. Noelle was always willing to take one for the team, though.

"Noelle, it"s so great to see you, girl," he said. Kenna turned away and tried to keep from gagging at the oozy, oily charm he exuded.

She hated him so much. Had hoped to never see his stupid, horrible face again, and it made her sick to her stomach to look at him. Noelle made excuses for them then dragged Kenna away with Nelson and Breah following close behind.

On the opposite side of the private dining room of the pub where the reunion was being held, Kenna plopped into a chair at an empty table.

"Somebody get me 30 CCs of vodka, stat," she called out to no one in particular. Nelson, knowing their collective sanity depended on it, walked off to the bar to get her a drink.

"I'm sorry," Noelle said, squeezing Kenna's hand. "That was awful. I was really hoping he wouldn't bother coming since he didn't graduate with our class."

"And, yet..." Kenna murmured, staring down at her hands.

Nelson returned with her drink and one for Breah, and Noelle ran off to get drinks for herself and Nelson. After fourteen years of friendship, they read each other so well. They always worked out a system between the three of them. Four, Kenna reminded herself. She would have to start including Breah in that number since it didn't look like she was going anywhere anytime soon.

Kenna drained her glass and was about to stand to get another when Noelle came back carrying three drinks, having anticipated Kenna's need.

"Have I told you I love you lately?" Kenna asked, sipping on her second drink a little slower.

"Not often enough," Noelle said, smiling.

"But also, I hate you for making me come to this godforsaken thing. I don't want you to forget that." Noelle treated Kenna to another eye roll.

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