Eleven Random Facts

24 4 5

now that i'm done with the tags, here are eleven random facts about me!


1. I've been in 3 musicals

2.I have an audition on the 23

3.I'm probubly gunna sing "No Buisness Like Show Buisness" from "Annie Get Your Gun"

4. The auditions are for "Guys and Dolls"

5. I don't care if I get a speaking role or not

6. my cats name is Éponine too.

7. I am part of the "Forever Alone Together Club"

8. The club above is getting tee shirts that say "Team Éponine: Forever Alone"...someday

9.I like to draw but I'm not the best at it

10.this is my 10th fact

11.stranger things is a great show.....


This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show (Oh!)
This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show (Oh!)
This is the greatest show (oh!)
(This is the greatest show)
This is the greatest show (oh!)
This is the greatest show!

...plz help me.

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