My old book. (cover & stuff)

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Hey guys and dolls. Sooooo
An author  that I love (who_is_tambre) wrote a book called "The Worst Story Ever" they wrote a book w/ like every cliche ever and in bold she made comments about it. I loved it so I decided I would take a boon I wrote a few years ago and make some comments on that...

Background: this book I wrote like 2 years ago and I discontinued it after like three chapters cuze I thought it wasn't going anywhere. It also was my first (and only so far) book that got a hate comment THAT IS HOW MUCH IT SUCKED. Later I unpublished it. So, now I will be reviewing it. In this part I will be reviewing the cover, discrption ETA. Then in the next part u will be reviewing the prologue.


My words in bold
Story not

Can we talk about this cover? I mean it's not my fault its blurry, my old tablet just did that

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Can we talk about this cover? I mean it's not my fault its blurry, my old tablet just did that... but still...the picture didn't even fit.

The Return of Peter Pan
The title is so... "original "

75 reads
7 votes
5 parts

Wow I so popular

12 year old Dalyla
Cuze that's the best name
Johanson has always loved the story of Peter Pan
Really? Wow
(even if she's teased),
she's watched all the movies and all the plays, but her favorite will always be the original book\play by J.M. Barrie
Cuze original
Dalyla's  dream has been to go to Neverland since she was a little girl,
Me too
but that's not possible because Peter Pan and Neverland aren't real....
at least that's what she thought, until Peter Pan arrived at her window.....
Cuze Story
Also why is there 5 dots?
disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan

tags:  #Dalyla #Neverland #peterpan #returns #romance hint hint.

Okay that's it, stay tuned for the prologue coming...very soon

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